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Silence is powerful

It can have a variety of moods,

Create a variety tones

Definition of Tone:
The general character
or attitude of a place,
piece of writing,

Do definitions make words any clearer

Meanings any easier to understand?

Possibly. Not always.

Words can define how someone feels
but it can't justify their actions with a simple

Back to silence for example

Definition of Silence:
of sound.

I respectfully disagree

Even in silence, there's a tone, a feeling lying
deep inside

A beating heartbeat in my head

A throbbing in my leg

Silence has so many other meanings

of sound.

A definition is only a way
to create a sense of

A way to describe a word
with the least words possible

To give that word a meaning

But its left to one to interpret what a word really means

So, what does silence mean to me?

A feeling you can confide in
to keep you safe
and sound
without worrying
about what others may think

But always worrying about what you think,
Why you think,
And if its possible that
you're wrong

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