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Thats all I ever hear

It manifests my mind and corrupts my soul

Slowly withering away, turning to black ash,
swept away with the wind.

The demons squeeze and pull my brain

An endless world of hurt
and hate

Hate, thats what it is

I hate it, I absolutely hate it!

But I continue to listen
listen to the demons as they call my name,

burn their initials
into the back of my head,

constantly whisper in my ear

"You're not worth it"
"No one cares"

I hate it yet I listen,

try to pull away from the lion as it sinks its teeth into my striped flesh,

Ending up an empty carcass.

Lungs and liver,
intestines and bladder,
scooped out of me from an invisible hand.

I hate it
yet I believe it.

I believe in those voices
I believe in those words

They're right.

A failure, that's all I'll ever be.

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