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What will it take for
Us to get freedom?

Do we need to resort to
catastrophic ways?

How can a nation
Seemingly the greatest
Be so fragmented
So cruel to the human race?

Is it necessary to break,
cut relations with sanity
Mark a territory for which
we see fit

Are we not humane? Has the world really come to this?

What reasons lie behind such a torn society

To make us all go insane

For that one person to freely
Shoot who they please
Destroy what lives they want
To be "free" in a country

That doesn't deserve to be free?

What madness is this?

What has the world come to?

We are not livestock scooping up slop
We are not animals bound in a cage
It is NOT survival of the fittest human being
The fittest race
The ugliest people

No, its madness. Pure madness.

What has gotten into us?
This land isn't so "free" anymore,

is it?

No. This land is a war zone
A bloodbath for humanity


We aren't humans anymore.


I'm sorry to all those who have lost their life in Florida the past coming week. I'm sorry for the families that have to suffer. I can't do much, but I can at least do this.

Its stupid how everyone gets into fights, not only outside of the US, but inside it as well. For this many people to suffer in such a place...a place we call home

I find it sickening. Though, what much can I do as a human? I find that I can't do much besides write about how I feel about the US, not just this Florida shooting, but for any shooting or unfortunate event that has cost lives of any kind.

Pain comes in many shapes and sizes. Sadly.

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