The Party

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"Aunt Mikasa!"

Marcus ran through the ballroom, jumping up into Mikasa's arms. She smiled and caught him.

"Happy Birthday my little prince." She smiled. Marcus giggled.

"Im five years old!" He smiled and held up five fingers.

"Five? Why you're practically an adult." Mikasa smiled.

"Yeah!" Marcus giggled. Eren moved his way through the guests to Mikasa and Marcus.

"Mikasa!" Eren smiled and hugged her. She hugged him back just as firmly.

"It's not like you don't see me twice a month." Mikasa joked. Eren pulled back with a frown.

"Yeah, but I miss you!" He pouted. Mikasa laughed and kissed Eren's head.

"I miss you too." She smiled gently.

"Eren! Mikasa!" Armin's voice reached their ears. Eren turned and held his arms out.

"Armin!" He ran up and hugged Armin.

"Congratulations buddy! You're gonna graduate soon!" Eren said proudly.

"I know, I'm nervous." Armin said truthfully. Eren scoffed.

"Please, you're the smartest person I know. You'll do great." He said.

"Thanks Eren." Armin said sincerely.

"Uncle Armin!" Marcus called as Mikasa carried him over to Armin and Eren.

"Birthday Boy!" Armin smiled and took Marcus from Mikasa's arms, giving him a hug.

"You're getting so big!" Armin smiled. Marcus giggled.

"Yeah! I'm a big boy now!" Marcus smiled.

"You sure are." Eren smiled and kissed his head. There was a breeze and then the sound of someone clearing their throat.

"King Levi." Admin smiled as Levi appeared behind Eren, giving him a startle.

"Armin, Mikasa, glad you both made it." Levi said as the other guests started to notice Levi was in the room.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world." Mikasa said with a forced smile. The relationship between them has improved over the years, but there is still the faint sense of tension between them.

"Daddy! Can I open my presents?" Marcus asked hopefully. Levi looked at him with a small smirk.

"No Marcus-" Eren started but was cut off by Levi.

"Sure, why not sport." Levi said as Eren frowned at him. Before Eren spoke, Marcus got down and hugged Levi.

"Thank you daddy!" He yelled before running off. Eren looked back at Levi.

"I told him earlier he couldn't open presents until after cake." He glared.

"Tt. Then he'll get frosting and cake all over his new toys." Levi said with a look of disgust. Eren glared harder.

"That's not the point Levi, you shouldn't have told him yes!" Eren said angerly. Levi glared up at Eren.

"He's the prince of the vampire race, he can have anything he wants." Levi growled.

"He is our son!" Eren yelled, not backing down.

"Guys, birthday party?" Armin said nervously as he put a hand on Eren's shoulder to calm him down. Eren was catching his breath, still glaring at Levi. Levi tt and looked away.

"Whatever, I need to go greet my great nephew Lelouch." Levi grumbled and left. Mikasa frowned at Eren.

"What was that about?" She asked. Eren sighed as he called down.

"We both have different ways of parenting. But our arguments don't normally get so heated." Eren sighed.

"He must be stressed because of the treaty." Armin said frowning.

"Come on, let's go watch Marcus ungift his presents." Mikasa said lighting up the mood. Eren smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, okay." He smiled and followed them to watch Marcus.

After five hours of partying, playing, and eating sweets, Eren finally managed to get Marcus into bed and asleep. He smiled down at him and kissed his head.

"Good night my sweet angel, I love you." He smiled. He got up and headed to the door, stopping to look back at him.

" matter how old you get, I will always be there to protect you." He smiled and then closed the door, heading to bed.
Author's Notes: WOOHOO! Second chapter posted!:3 I'm also posting my other book Death's Invitation as well if you want to go read it. It's my original book:3 I hope you enjoy this chapter!

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