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Misa hummed as she beat the eggs.

"Light, Light, I love Light." She sang as she poured the eggs in the pan. She heard a bang on her door and jumped.

"Now who could be here at this hour?" She huffed and went to open the door. The door slammed open and Misa gasped as a group of the royal vampire police guards forced their way into the apartment.

"What?" She gasped as two of them tackled her and held her down.

"Check the rooms!" One yelled and three went off searching the rooms. 

"What the hell are you doing in my apartment!" Misa growled as she started to transform. One of the vampire's on top of her tased her, causing her to scream out and stop her transformation.

"MisaMisa, you are under arrest for the kidnap of Queen Eren." He said loudly as Misa caught her breath.

"No." She managed to say before passing out.

She woke up a few hours later wither her eyes covered, her arms tied up in a straight jacket, a leather belt in her mouth, and attached to a hanging rope holding her up.

Where am I?? 

She panicked and started wiggling. She heard a door open and closed. she sniffed the air abit and almost sighed in relief.

"Misa." L said. Misa muffled something in the belt. L moved over and took the belt from her mouth, then the eye mask.

"L, you have to get me outta here-" She stopped when she noticed the thing next to him.

"Misa, this is King Levi." L gestured to the man next to him. Well, what resembled a man. Levi looked to be barely holding on to his humanity as his eyes bled red and his mouth was full of razor sharp teeth. Misa gasped, feeling terrified.

"W-Why is he-"

"Here? It is custom that the mate of a missing or dead vampire carry out the punishment for their crimes. Now I have talked Levi into letting you live, for now." He said and Misa sighed in relief.

"Thank you-"

"But you have to answer his questions. I wouldn't test him, as you can tell he's very on edge and might accidently yank your head from your body." L said, causing Misa to shake in fear.

"I-I-" L cut her off.

"We heard your apartment high and low, and there was no sign of Eren. Now, we know you had something to do with his disappearance because we found your scent on his key." Levi said holding it up in front of her so she can smell it." Levi growled animalistically at the sight.

"W-What?" Misa gasped.

"L, y-you have to believe me! I d-didn't do anything- AH!" Levi grabbed her hair and yanked on it to him, she could smell his blood stained breath and she had to force down bile.

"Where is Eren, bitch." He spoke demonically, itching to rip her throat out. Misa began crying.

"I-I don't know!" She cried out. Levi growled and shoved her back, punching her face.

"WHERE IS HE!" He snarled, causing Misa to sob.

"King Levi, you won't get answers out of her this way." L said deadpanned. Levi was sucking in air as he shook with rage.

"'re right. Erwin." He called louder.

"Bring in the supplies." He growled out. 

Misa's eyes widen.

"W-What supplies?" She said scared. L sighed and nodded.

"You should have answered him when he was being nice Misa, now I can't help you." L said as he began leaving.

"L! Please don't go!" She screamed after him.

"Good luck." He called with a hint of sadness in his voice.

"Don't leave me!" 


Author's Note: Next chapter will be a damn crazy torture you don't have a strong stomach or just don't like blood, it's probably best you skip it.

The Vampire King's Mate: The Missing QueenWhere stories live. Discover now