Erwin Is A Great Friend

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Levi stood in the war room with Mikasa, going over details on the beginnings of the attack when there was a knock on the door. Levi looked up towards the door.

"Come in." He said. The door opened and Erwin entered.

"May I speak to you in private, my king?' Erwin asked. Levi just looked at him dead eyed, and Erwin could tell this was a broken man. It felt ages until Levi tt.

"General, leave us." He said and Mikasa nodded, seeming just as angered with the werewolves as Levi as she left the room, passing Erwin. She closed the door behind her and Erwin moved closer to Levi.

"My king, I have served you for hundreds of years, and ive been with you through your highest and lowest moments. I have watched you take over the world and its people, making the world a better place for both humans and vampires alike. Even coexisting with the werewolves. But this, this is a massacre. You would not only be killing werewolves, but innocent people. Wives and children, because of the fault of two dumb mutts. Please my king, don't do this." Erwin pleaded with Levi. Yet, he knew by the look in Levi's eyes, he wasn't hearing him anymore. He was dead set on wiping out an entire race.

"...please my king." Erwin tried again and placed his hands on levi's shoulders and forced him to look at him.

"Eren would not have wanted this." He said desperate. Levi the grabbed Erwins throat and slammed him into a wall, his fangs growing sharper and eyes bled red.

"And how would you know what he would want?! Are you his mate?? His lover?? Have you cleaned his face after his father beat him?? Or bite him when you made love?? Held his baby in your arms in disbelief that that beautiful, small, innocent child came from your cursed bloodline with the person you love?? And have you had to hold his hand and feel the weakened pulse and fear that at any moment, your entire reason for living will just-" Levi chocked on his words and tears fell from his face. He squeezed his eyes shut and let go of Erwin.

"You don't know anything about Eren...." He managed as he weeped. Erwin looked at Levi sadly.

"....Alright sir...I will leave you to your plans, but there is one thing you must know." Erwin said as he took out an envelope.

"I received a message from the detective. He said he believes that Light Yagami and Misa were decoys." Erwin said holding the letter up. Levi froze and rubbed his eyes on his sleeve.

"...Decoys?" He asked confused.

"Yes. and he wants us to throw a party. He believes the real culprit will show themselves." Erwin said as Levi opened the letter and read it.

" we have a date set for Light Yagami's execution?" Levi asked with hate in his eyes.

" sir." Erwin said. Levi looked in thought.

"...Set a date for midnight, two days from now." He said and handed the letter back to Erwin.

"And the party?" Erwin asked.

"The same time." Levi said heading to the door, a flash of the old Levi showing. Erwin mentally sighed in relief.

"Oh, and Erwin?" Levi said facing the door.

"Yes my king?" Erwin asked, holding back a smile.

"Have the detective call me."


Levi sat by Eren's bedside, holding his hand.

"Do not worry my love, justice will prevail." Levi said and kissed the back or Eren's hand.

"I love you." He said before moving Eren's hair from his face and got up, leaving the room.


Author's Notes: Waaaah sorry about the long awaited chapter! School has been beating me down! I haven't had much time to plan the rest of this book. Unfortunately I think this book will end in a few more chapters. Please hold out until then!

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