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"You shut your goddamn mouth-" Levi was cut off as L grabbed him by the throat and tossed him into a wall, leaving a huge body shaped dent.

"L, what are you-" L pounced at Levi and landed on Levi's arm.

"ARGH! L stop!" Levi yelled and backhanded him across the room. Lelouche smirked and began making his way to the exit, everyone scared to touch him.

"Stop him!" Erwin yelled at the guards, who followed him. L got up and pounced towards Levi. Levi got out of the way, holding his arm.

"Restrain him!" He snarled. L kept aiming at Levi and Levi kept dodging.

"I don't want to hurt you!" Levi growled as L aimed his claws at Levi's face. 

"Levi!" Kaname yelled and tossed him a silver knife. Levi caught it and dodged the claws and sliced L's arm.

"ARGH!" L stopped and fell to the floor, holding his arm where it was cut, panting. Levi stood above him.

"...Are you back with me?" Levi asked glaring. L stayed on the floor and closed his eyes, in pain.

"...I'm sorry." He said quietly, and Levi relaxed.

"It's fine. But we need to catch him, and find out what he did." Levi said.

"I'll help." Kaname said moving forwards.

"No. I need you to escort my guests to a safe room. I will find him." Levi growled. L slowly got up.

"He couldn't have gotten far." L said as he headed to the blood table and took a napkin and wrapped it around his arm.

"It appears he has some sort of mind controlling powers." He said and walked over to Levi.

"That doesn't help us, not knowing how we can take him." Levi said and Erwin approached them.

"We cut off all exits with more then three guards per exit. There is no way he can leave." Erwin said seriously.

"Good, now lets find him." L said.

"Send half our inside troops to the west wing, lead them. The other half, follow me." Levi said heading out of the room, and continued walking.

"I want that bastard found!" He snarled and continued. L looked back at Light in the cage before following Levi.


Marcus was skipping down the hallway, holding a drawing to give to his mom. 

"Mommy's gonna love this!" He beamed and a hand from the dark corner reached out and wrapped around Marcus's mouth.

"Very pretty drawing, do you think I can go with you to see your mommy?" Lelouche used his power on a terrified Marcus. Marcus then relaxed and nodded. Lelouche let go and Marcus took his hand and began leading him to Erwin's room.


"We've searched every room he could be hiding in, but so far no one can find him." Erwin said finding Levi.

"We do believe though, that he brainwashed some of our soldiers that ran into him, making them forget he was there." Naruto said to Levi, frowning.

"Damn it!" Levi snarled and smacked the wall.

"King Levi, please calm down. Now lets think. If I was outed to the community as a traitor and was stuck in a castle with no where to go, where would I be?" Sasuke said in thought. L looked in thought.

"..I would try to take a hostage." L said, and Levi gasped.

"Eren!" Levi yelled and began running to the hospital wing.


Author's Notes: This is getting pretty crazy huh? No? Well I posted another chapter, so it's two days in a row! Woohoo!

The Vampire King's Mate: The Missing QueenWhere stories live. Discover now