The Culprit

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"Anything happen yet?" Levi asked as he entered the security room in the manor. L was eating cake as he watched the screens.

"It has only been a day." He stated. Levi tt and stormed up to L.

"Only a day?? My queen has been missing for three fucking days!" He yelled and grabbed L by the shirt and forced him to look at him. L sniffed.

"You smell like cake. Do you have any?" He asked calmly. Levi's eyes flashed and he pushed L back.

"There has to be another fucking way." Levi said as he began to break down. L sighed.

"I know you miss your mate, It is understandable that you worry for them. But there are limited options and even more limited options now that we are dealing with Misa. You might have to prepare yourself for the worst. Queen Eren might be-"

"Don't you fucking dare finish that sentence." Levi's voice shook as he squeezed his eyes shut.

"She's still alive. I know it." He said wavering abit.  L watched Levi holding off a break down as the door opened. Light came in and held his phone up.

"Misa just texted me to come over." Light said seriously. L took the phone and read the text message.

"Hm. Well you best not keep her waiting." He said and handed the phone back to Light. Light nodded seriously and headed out of the room. Levi looked at L hopefully.

"Do you think it might have something to do with a masked man?" He asked. L bit his thumb.

"Perhaps, or she needs comfort from her boyfriend after that traumatic situation." He said and sipped on his tea. Levi tt and ran his hand through his hair.

"Is he trust worthy?" Levi asked L. 

"Even if he's not, we have both cameras and microphones. But I believe if anyone can get anything out of her, it's Light. Her obsession with Light is horrifying and her loyalty to him is nearly a match." L said as he caught the sight of the limo come up to Misa's apartment.

Light exited the limo calmly and headed up to Misa's apartment. L turned up the speaks to hear the conversation as Misa opened the door ad pulled Light into her apartment and shut the door.

"I did it Light!" She said with a crazy look in her eyes. Light looked at her confused.

"Did what Misa?" He asked and she gripped his arms tightly.

"I told them you were the masked man! I'm such a good girl Light, please tell me I'm a good girl!" Misa said as she began salivating. Light had a disturbed look on his face.

"Misa what the hell are you saying!" He said nervously and looking at the camera sweating hard.

L called the Vampire Royal Guard to Misa's apartment to apprehend Light. Levi growled as he headed out of the room.

"I didn't say anything about you Light, I promise! Please pet my head Light, tell me you love me." Misa said and began licking his neck. Light gasped and shoved Misa off.

"I didn't do anything you stupid bitch!" Light said scared as he ran for the door. 

"Light?" She called crawling after him. The door broke down again and Light growled and turned to run the other way. One of the VRG jumped onto Light and injected something in his neck.

"NO! I DIDN'T DO IT!" Light yet and Misa looked scared and curled into a ball, whimpering.

"I DIDN'T DO IT!" Light yelled as his vision turned black.

"I...didn't..." Light passed out.

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