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Misa saw a man with slicked back blond hair enter the room with a trolley of silver instruments. She urinated herself as she noticed what they were.

"Oh god please." She cried.

"God want's nothing to do with this." Levi growled demonically and smirked, causing a shiver to go up her spine.

"I haven't even started yet and you already pissed yourself." Levi said amused. His blood red eyes trained on the instrument he picked up.

"I heard you're a model, what a shame." He said and lifted up once of Misa's foot.she started kicking it but Levi held it firmly with one hand.

"P-Please...dont!" She cried and started slobering on herself.

"Then tell me where he is." Levi growled.

"I-I don't know!" Misa cried. Levi tt and used the pliers to grasp onto her peticured big toenail.

"These are really pretty, did you just get them done?" He asked smirking.

"Please-AH!" Misa screamed as Levi ripped the toenail out, blood flowed and hit the concrete floor.

"Did you know you have twenty nails total?" Levi smirked sadistically. Misa fought the bile down.

"Please stop!" She cried. Levi started down the next toenail.

"I'll ask again." He said darkly.

"Where is Eren." He growled.

"I Don't-Agh!" She screamed as he ripped out the other nail.

"Ouch, that one resisted abit." He smirked and then started again down the foot.

I don't know.


I don't know.


I don't-


Levi ripped out all of Misa's toenail, a puddle of blood collected beneath her, mixing in with the puddle of urine she created.

"Ah, you got blood on my hand." Levi said as he licked it and grimaced.

"disgusting." He growled.

"Please." Misa said breathilessly.

"Where's Eren." Levi said, getting sick of this game. Misa didn't speak this time and Levi sighed.

"Erwin." Levi called and stood up. Erwin entered the room.

"Yes your majesty?" He asked calmly.

"I might need some assistance from a pro." Levi said and noticed as Misa flinched. Erwin smiled darkly.

"Of course sir." He said and went to the trolley. He grabbed some silver powder and walked over to Misa.

"Please do not take this personal miss, but you did take our Queen." Erwin smirked darkly and sprinkled the silver onto her bleeding toes. Misa screamed in agony.

"STOP! IT BURNS!" She screamed. Levi smirked.

"Good idea Erwin, I haven't even got to the silver yet."

"A werewolf's true weakness." Erwin smirked.

"Let's Try again, with her hands." Levi smirked.

Rip. Rip. Rip.

After what felt like forever for Misa, all her nails were plucked from her body and silver was poured into them. 

"Hm, sill not talking huh?" Levi said sounding bored.

"If I may, perhaps she needs a drink?" Erwin suggested. Levi raised an eyebrow and the smirked.

"Sounds good." He said. Erwin smiled flakily to Misa and turned around and pored her some water. She looked at it unsurely and Levi took it and took a sip.

"Mm, refreshing." Levi smirked. Misa looked abit more willingly and Levi held it to her mouth and poured it down her throat for her. Misa closed her eyes with a small bit of thankfulness. Her eyes flew back open and she vomited everything back up, her eyes watering as she struggled to breath.

"Oh, what's wrong? you don't like abit of a silver taste to your diet?" Levi smirked sadistically.

The vomit on her straight jacket started to burn her skin. She felt her throat start to close up.

I'm going to die.

 She thought before she felt a needle in her neck, causing her to flinch.

"I'm not done with you yet, bitch." Levi growled as Misa's throat stopped swelling.

"What should we do next?" Levi asked as Misa's mouth burned and she cried quietly.

I need to do something!

"Well we haven't touched her face yet." Erwin smirked and pulled out a silver knife. Misa's eyes widen in horror.

"W-What!" Misa rasped, her throat sore from the silver and vomit.

"Oh? Finally feeling up to talking?" Levi snarled. Misa shook and slowly nodded her head.

"....met." She said quietly.

"What?" Levi said furrowing his eyebrows.

"..A-A a h-helmet." She shook looking down.

"...." Levi grabbed her hair and forced her to look at him dead In the eyes.

"Start from the beginning." He growled.

The Vampire King's Mate: The Missing QueenWhere stories live. Discover now