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The group entered the woods and started searching.

"It's going to take us forever to find anything in here." Light complained.

"I know, that's why I am calling for some help." L said and his eyes flashed gold. Light looked at L shocked.

"How did you-"

"I am a pureblooded Werewolf. I am able to communicate with others of my kind." L said as a few wolves appeared in front of L, looking distrusting at Levi. L's eyes glowed gold as he kneeled down to them and pet one.

"Do you have something of Eren's?" L asked Levi as he continued petting a wolf. Levi looked at L and nodded, taking out a handkerchief and held it to L.

"If I may ask, what is a rare pureblood werewolf doing as a detective?" Levi asked with a raised eyebrow. L took the Handkerchief and held it to the wolves' faces.

"Can you find this scent?" He asked the wolves. They howled and split up and ran. L's eyes went back to black and he stood back up, handing Levi the Handkerchief.

"I was abandoned at an orphanage. I did not know I was a werewolf until I hit puberty, as most werewolves do." L said vaguely. 

".....Then why do you stick with detective work instead of living in luxury with the council?" Levi asked curiously.

"Why not." L asked deadpanned. 

"Hm." Light said. Not even a few minutes later, the wolves returned barking. L's eyes glowed gold again.

"Did you find anything?" He asked. One wolf howled and started for one way.

"Let's go." L said and ran after the wolf, the others all following him. They all stopped at a spot where the tree's were severely damaged and had gashes in the. 

"Eren." Levi breathed out sadly. L examined the trees.

"..You are dismissed, thank you." L said to the wolves, and they howled and ran off. His eyes went back to normal and he glared at the gashes.

"It seems a fight broke out. I can smell anger and fear in the air." L said.

"It's faint, but I can't be quite sure if this has anything to do with Eren." L said examining the area. Light walked over and then stopped at the glimmer on the floor. He looked confused and picked it up.

"L?" He called and held up the object. L and Levi turned their heads to the gleam and Levi felt his heart swell into his throat.

"That's Eren's key." He said breathily and slowly approached it, taking it front Light.

"Oh god, Eren." Levi choked out and squeezed the necklace. Levi looked at him and then the key. 

"...May I see the key?" He asked and Levi rubbed his eyes forcefully.

"...."  Wordlessly he held the key out to L. L took it and examined it.

"....." He sniffed it and his eyes widen.

"Light, come smell this and tell me what you sense." L said and held it out. Light looked confused and nodded, walking over and sniffed the key, closing his eyes.

"I sense the scent from the Handkerchief, Lilacs, wolf-" His eyes flew open and breathed out forcefully.


The Vampire King's Mate: The Missing QueenWhere stories live. Discover now