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"I'm fucking going too!" Levi growled at L.

"You're sensitivity to the sun will drain you of both nutrition and health, it is still sunny outside and the woods are not the best place for shade." Light tried reasoning. Levi just growled at him.

"Listen to me fucker, my mate was last seen heading into those woods where she was probably hurt or worse. I'd be damned if I let you go without me to find her!" Levi growled out, his eyes red. Light was about to respond but L put a hand out to stop him.

"Very well, your majesty. But know that if you do come you will only get in the way." L said deadpanned.

"I'm fucking counting on it." Levi snarled out and went to get home heavier clothes on and an umbrella. 

"Are all dominant vampire's like this?" Light asked Erwin. Erwin sighed.

"Some can be worse, but I haven't met one yet." He said completely serious.

"You haven't met many vampires, have you." L asked Light.

"No, I was a pretty sheltered kid. Though I know you know this already." Light said rolling his eyes at L.

"Hm." L just said. Light stared at him for a few seconds.

"....That was a yes, wasn't it." he huffed annoyed. 

"Perhaps." L said biting his thumb and Erwin chuckled.

"....Damn it L quit looking through my files." Light huffed annoyed.

"Not until I prove you're Kira." L said as he sipped on some tea Watari just brought to him. Erwin raised an eyebrow.

"Kira? you mean the myth that kills human, vampires, and werewolves alike?" Erwin asked abit of edge to his voice.

"The one and only, until recently that is, with the second Kira just having been caught. Though Kira only goes after those who commit a crime." L said stirring sugar into his tea. Erwin glared at Light, causing him to flinch.

"You brought a mass murderer in the castle?" Erwin demanded from L as he kept his eyes on Light and took a sword out.

"yes, though it makes no difference. Until I can prove that this man is Kira, there is no place safer for him to be except by my side." L said sipped the tea again. Erwin looked confused.

"But you just said he was Kira." He said sounding confused.

"Indeed he is, though I cannot prove this. So until I am able to, he is just my assistant. Do not worry, he will not be able to kill you, if you die in 30 days of meeting him, I will  take that as evidence and have him judged as the mass murderer. Isn't that right Light?" L asked blankly. Light's eye twitched slightly.

"...that's right L. But I don't know how many times I have to say this. I'm not Kira!" Light said sounding annoyed.

"So you say." L finished his tea. Erwin just sighed and pinched the bridge oh his nose.

"I assume king Levi does not know this information?" He said sounding defeated.

"It wasn't brought up nor significant in this case, no." L said turning to look at Erwin. 

"Right." Erwin sighed as Levi came back into the living room wearing thick clothes that covered his body and sunglasses to shield his eyes. He opened the black sun umbrella in his hands.

"What are we waiting for, let's go!" Levi growled as he headed out front. 

"Good luck, you're going to need it." Erwin said, staying out of the path of the sunlight.

"Thank you, but I won't." L said following Levi out. Before Light left Erwin grabbed his arm.

"If you kill my king, I will make sure you die a slow and painful death." He promised dangerously. Light huffed and pulled his arm out of his grasp.

"I'm NOT Kira!" He said annoyed and stormed out of the castle.

"Then why did you smirk" Erwin glared at Light's backside as the door closed behind them.

The Vampire King's Mate: The Missing QueenWhere stories live. Discover now