Your Call

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Watari pulled up to the Kuran manor. Light, Levi, and L exit the car with Levi heavily protected from the sun.

"Kaname recorded Marcus's birthday party and called me, saying he caught Eren on camera." Levi said walking quickly to the front door. 

"Then perhaps we may find answers" L said as Levi knocked on the door. Kaname opened the door and moved to allow them in.

"I heard about what happened to Eren, I am so sorry uncle Levi." Kaname frowned. Levi kept his eyes forward.

"Me too, so wear-"

"Levi?" Everyone turned to see Lelouch pocking his head out.  Levi gave him a small smile.

"Lelouch, what are you doing here?" He asked abit more relaxed.

"I always come visit Kaname for tea time on Wednesday." Lelouch said walking towards them. 

"I'm sorry about what happened, I hope you find him soon." Lelouch frowned. Levi sighed.

"Me too." He said quietly. L walked over to Lelouch and held his hand out.

"My name is L, world's greatest detective." L said keeping eye contact with him.

"And a werewolf too I see." Lelouch smiled gently.

"I hope you will be able to find our queen soon." He said. L kept eye contact and pulled him in. Lelouch didn't budge.

"Very strong aren't you." L said amused as he let go of his hand. Lelouch chuckled.

"Well I am a pureblood." He chuckled. L sniffed the air.

"You own a garden I presume?" L asked. Lelouch frowned.

"I do, my little sister spent a lot of time there and is now presently buried under a flower bed of   her favorite flowers." Lelouch frowned. 

"I am terribly sorry." He said. Lelouch shook his head.

"It is quite alright, she was a sickly child at birth. It was just a matter of time." He said and looked to Levi. 

"I will be in the living room if you need me, I do not wish for the tea to get cold." He joked slightly. Levi smiled softly and nodded.

"Take care of yourself Lelouch." He said. Lelouch smiled and waved bye and headed back into the living room. 

"...sorry, I forgot to mention he was going to be here." Kaname said.

"It's quite alright, now, the video?" L asked turning to Kaname.

"Right, this way." Kaname said leading them to the tv room and sat down, starting the video. L sat down in his unusual stance and Levi and light remained too tense to sit.  Kaname fast forward to the image of after the party when he was about to shut off the camera and go home.

But he stopped as he looked out the window and caught the far away image of Eren walking in his bare feet outside of the grounds and entering the woods. The camera shook abit and then went static.

"What happened?" Light asked.

"I would like to know as well. After that image I woke up in my bed." Kaname said.

"I heard you are married. Where is your wife?" L asked biting his finger as he rewatched it.

"Zero and the twins are visiting the head of Cross Academy for a week. They weren't here." Kaname said.

"Left me." Levi said quietly.

"What?" Light asked.

"He left me!" Levi roared out with his eyes flashing red, tears blurring his vision as he shook with anger.

"I don't think so." L said, causing Levi to pounce onto him.

"How the fuck can you say that!? It's proof right there! He fucking walked out-" Levi chocked on a sob. L gently pushed him off.

"Watched the video, look at the way he is swaying. It looks as if he is drunk. Then their is his clothes, it is a cold night and he is walking outside with a thin white dress and no shoes. Also note that there is no bag. Any reasonable person would at least take a bag of clothes if they were running off." L stated. Levi looked confused as he rewatched the video and noticed L was right.

"...but why?" Levi asked more calmly.

"It looks as if he is being guided into the woods. Maybe someone poisoned him judging from his movements. The world can be a scary place." L said trying to look into the woods.

"I believe whatever answer we are looking for would be in those woods." L said getting up. Levi looked deadly serious.

"Let's go then." He snarled as he headed out of the room quickly. Before L could follow he felt a hand on his arm. He looked down at it then at the arm leading to Kaname.

"Please find him." Kaname said quietly. L stared at him for a good minute before nodding and following after Levi. He spoke quietly.

"I will."

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