The Mastermind

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"My lord I swear-" Levi backhanded Lelouche, sending him to the floor. Kaname watched in horror, and looked back at Levi.

"Your majesty..." Kaname started off. Levi growled, and was going to respond to kaname, when there was a hand placed on his shoulder. Levi snapped his head towards the owner of the hand with a snarl. L looked him in the eyes.

"Calm down. I will force them out." L said and moved forward, helping Lelouche up. 

"Thank you-" L leaned in and sniffed Lelouche.

"Interesting scent. May I ask where you were?" L asked Lelouche, holding onto his hand in a firm grip.

"...I was visiting my sisters grave." Lelouche said alittle nervous sounding.

"Is that so, and where do you get Lilacs, is it? I have never seen them in this town." L asked as Lelouche began paling.

"I-well I import them from France. They're a special kind, since they were her favorites." He said and cleared his throat.

"Strange. That was the scent founf on Queen Eren's Key where she dissapeared." L glared abit, and the whole room gasped. Levi snarled and in a quick motion, grabbed Lelouche's collar, his eyes blood red.

"Did you do this?!" He roared. Lelouche shook in fear.

"I- I did not!" 

"Liar. Witnesses told me they saw you talking to him, and you were gone most of the night." L said glaring.

"Im sure you were not expecting a piece of your dark hair on one of MisaMisa's clothes, nor the forest soil found in your room." L explained. L glared.

"That doesn't prove anything!" He yelled.

"It does, now that we have the main piece of evidence." L waved for Watari to come over with a white handkerchief and lifted it to show the key.

"The scent of Lilacs, which are rare in these parts, especially in winter." L said. Lelouche froze.

"I have also had you investigated and found that you are not a 'fan' of werewolves and in the past, had been known to brutally beat and kill my kind."

"That was centuries ago! King Levi gave you dogs rights 20 years ago!" Lelouche growled.

"Rights that could be revoked if a war between our two specials broke out." L said calmly. The air thickened. Lelouche stepped back from Levi and L and looked around at everyones face.

"You hired wolves to kidnap the Queen, and placed the blame on my kind, hoping to drive the king into a corner and force an all out war between us." L said accusingly.

"I-" Lelouche chocked.

"It was you who planned this. Wasn't it, Zero." L said and Lelouche's face began to change.

"...damn. This was not how this was suppose to happen." He laid a hand on his face and sighed calmly. 

"...What I do not understand, is how. Misa and Light, there was no way they could've known. Light wouldn't have done this....not on his own will" L said. Lelouche smirked viciously and looked at L in the eyes, a red symbol began to take form in his left eye.

"What to find out? Kill the king." He demanded.


Author's Notes: Wow, that took a few months. My bad! But I said I wouldn't abandon it right? I'm gonna finish it soon! 

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