Baking a Cake

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"Daddy!" Marcus called and ran up to Levi as he came in the door. Levi smiled for the first time in two days and picked Marcus up and hugged him close.

"Marcus, I missed you." He smiled and kissed his head. Marcus smiled and looked behind him.

"...Where's mommy?" Marcus asked excitedly. Levi froze and then laughed quietly.

"Eren is still away on a business trip." Levi said stiffly. Marcus's smile fell and he looked at Levi.

"Oh, When will she come back?" He asked sadly. Levi forced a smile on his lips.

"Well, whenever her business is done." Levi said carrying Marcus out of the room towards the kitchen.

"....oh." Marcus frowned. Levi sighed and placed Marcus on the counter and smiled.

"Let's make a cake for when she gets back." Levi smiled and Marcus lit up.

"Okay!" Marcus said hopping off the counter. Levi smiled.

"How does bloody strawberry sound?" He asked as he reached into the fridge to get the eggs, milk, blood, and milk.

"Yeah!" Marcus smiled and got the strawberries out and the rest of the ingredients out. Levi put the ingredients on the counter and grabbed the aprons and placed them on himself and  Marcus.

"Are you sure you can tie this?" Levi asked smirking. Marcus smiled and nodded as he reached back to tie it. Levi chuckled as he watched Marcus attempt to tie his own apron and continued to tie his own apron. Marcus grunted annoyed and Levi smirked.

"Need help?" Levi asked. Marcus pouted then nodded.

"Say please." Levi said smirking more sinisterly. Marcus huffed.

"Please daddy." Marcus said and Levi chuckled and turned Marcus and began tying the apron. 

"Alright, can you mix the ingredients in the bowl?" Levi asked and Marcus smiled again.

"Okay!" He smiled and got his stand chair out and stood on it and started putting the ingredients in the bowl, with the help of Levi.

"Shit." Levi said and preheated the oven to 350 degrees.

"Eren is much better at this than I am." He huffed and Marcus looked at Levi with a small frown and went back to stirring the ingredients.

".....Daddy?" He said quietly. Levi turned to him.

"Huh?" He got a face full of flour and he spat some out. Marcus was smirking and held the remanence of the flour on his little hand. Levi glared and gave him a dark smirk.

"You little punk." He said and picked Marcus up by the waist and spun him around in the kitchen, making Marcus squeal. 

"Hahaha sorry daddy!" Marcus laughed. Levi laughed carefree as he stopped spinning.

"I don't think you are." He said pulling Marcus up and began ticking him, making Marcus giggle.

"Daddy stop!" He said giggling hard. Levi chuckled and placed Marcus down and started wiping his face off.

"Are you done mixing the ingredients?" Levi asked and Marcus nodded with a smile.

"Alright." Levi said and poured the mixing into pans and put them in the over.

"Can I put the strawberries on daddy?" Marcus asked as Levi cleaned off his hands.

"Sure punk. Fuck, how can you make such a mess?" Levi asked as he wiped off Marcus's hand.

"Mommy says you shouldn't cuss."

"Yeah well 'mommy' isn't here." Levi said abit bitterly and it felt like time froze. Levi's eyes widen as he realised what he said and looked up to Marcus's teary eyes.

"...I'm sorry Marcus." Levi said gently and petted his hair. Marcus's eyes watered more.

"Daddy?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah buddy?" Levi asked stroking Marcus's hair gently.

"Is mommy dead?" He asked, fear in his voice. Levi froze again and a look of horror on his face. He picked Marcus up in a firm hug, his own eyes watering.

"No punk, your mommy isn't dead." Lvi said shakily, but firmly.

"Promise?" Marcus cried alittle. Levi gripped him firmer in the hug.

"I swear it." He said. They stayed like that for a few minutes until the oven beeped. Levi pulled away first with a strained smile.

"Let's decorate the cake, okay?" He said using his thumb to wipe away his son's tears. Marcus gave him a small smile and sniffed, then nodded.

"Okay!" He said cheering up alittle as Levi pulled the pans from the oven. Levi and Marcus spent the rest of the afternoon decorating the cake and writing 'Welcome Home Mommy' in the center of the cake.

Hanji was entering the kitchen a few hours later and smirked as she saw the cake. She walked over and reached for the icing. 

"Don't fucking think about it." Levi said from behind her. Hanji squealed and turned to see Levi holding a sleeping Marcus.

"Levi? What are you doing here? And why can't I have any?" Hanji asked pouting. Levi huffed and looked down at the sleeping son in his arms. He smiled gently to him.

"Because that cake is for his mommy."

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