Chapter 1: Questioning

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{YN ’s pov}

I believed him one too many times ; this was the last.
“Why do you keep lying?” I said in a depressed tone, trying not to cry. There we stood, none of us uttered a word, the room was dead silent. I saw the way he looked down to the wood titled floor, I knew he wasn’t going to tell me why he hasn’t been able to hang out with me for the past month.

“Jimin please tell me why? Is there a reason you can’t tell me and lie over the phone?” I pleaded him to say something even if it was just a word.

“I’m sorry” he said in a low whisper.

“I’m sorry, I just can’t tell you.” He said pleading me not to ask any more questions. I looked in the distant trying not to cry, I mean I was his friend for so long and I tell him everything, why couldn’t he tell me where he has been and ends up lying to me over the phone? I sat there trying to think of why my friend, Park Jimin was so secretive all the time, but I still couldn’t find a valid reason why that was...

“Y/N, please just drop it.” He said walking to his room.

“I’ll see you tomorrow morning.” And in a flash, he was gone.

Little did I know he was part of something, something massive...

I believed him one to many times... Jimin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now