Chapter 4: The Next Morning and new plans.

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Y/N's pov

The next morning, I got ready for school like I do every day. I walked out of my room to see if Jimin was already gone, I find myself knocking on his door.

"hey, Jimin? Are you there?" I said in a soft yell.

"yeah Y/N... I'm here." He said groaning.

"okay do I need to make you lunch?" I found myself asking.

"yeah and I'm walking to school with you today just a heads up." He stated in a groggy tone.

"okay! I'll get everything ready! You just get dressed and meet me downstairs!" with that being said I ran down the stairs to get Jimin and my lunches ready for the big day ahead of us.

"ugh.", he said as he looked at his phone to see if he had any notifications

He found 15 unread text messages from his group chat he made with the guys, he found himself reading them.

"guys do you know we have practice today after school?" sent by Jungkook.

"no... wait what? Why wasn't I informed? "Jimin texted the group.

"ooh, guys maybe he's too busy with school?" RM said.

"haha, yeah right I know Chim Chim loves dancing but I think he likes a curtain person with (color) hair, _____ length hair, that always wears a ______sweater with her school uniform, that's why he is always upset when we take him out of school so much... haha" said Taehyung in a teasing tone.

"shut up guys, we are just friends." Jimin texted.

"haha okay then whatever you say mochi" everyone texted in unison.

With that he shut off his phone and got ready to walk to school with Y/N . A half of an hour has passed, and everything was ready and he headed off to school. Once we arrived he decided it would be nice to walk Y/N to her first class of the day, because he had a feeling I might have to go to his "job" later that day, of course he didn't want to tell Y/N that so he just kept it to himself.

"thanks, for walking me to my first hour, Park..." I said bowing to show my appreciation, I normally hug him but I didn't think it was okay to do, since everyone was staring at us.

"No problem, but you might have to walk home alone again today." He said as his face smooshed up showing he wasn't happy about the thought of me walking home alone.

"oh it's okay! See you later then okay, Park Jimin." I said in a teasing tone once more as I walked into my class, trying not to show how upset I was that he wasn't going to be at home until late again. What could he be doing?

I believed him one to many times... Jimin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now