Chapter 8: Our Apartment

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Somehow, we ended up heading to our house as they all followed they wanted to see our living conditions. When we got there, all of them were in aww on how it was a two-story apartment, which in this part of town it was rare to have a complex like this.

"wow, you guys hit the jackpot with this sweet apartment! Maybe I should live here too." Jungkook said in amazement.

"no chance Jungkook. You okay? You have been acting weird." Jimin whispered as he turned on all the lights, completely confused.

"I'm fine." He said as he looked around the living room, to see you indeed lived with Jimin and this wasn't some joke.

As everyone looked around to see there was indeed a share in living space, Jin was slightly shocked that this was not staged, Jimin did move out from the Big Hit dorms and is now indeed living with a pretty girl named Y/N. He was proud, he felt he has been a great parent figure to these boys he had to get used to them growing up sooner or later, and for Jimin it just had to be sooner.

"okay, okay guys. I think we overstayed our welcome" namjoon said as he slowly got up. Everyone slowly looked up to the clock to see it was already nine at night.

"shit you guys we should go back to the dorm, soon or Mr. Bang will be very upset." Jin said slightly panicked.

"okay see you Y/N! Take care of Jimin!" everyone said except Jungkook.

"I will, thanks for coming guys!" I said waving goodbye.

Jimin hurried upstairs as he needed to do something. So, I turned to my right to see Jungkook was still standing behind me.

"hey, Jungkook are you okay?" I said slightly confused.

"yeah, I just needed to tell you something..." he said in a low whisper.

"okay, what is it?" I said waiting for him to say what he needed to say.

"Y/N... all I want to say is if Jimin doesn't work out its because... never mind." He said as he walked to the door and with the turn of a nob, he looked back, smiled and left.

"what the fuck happened Do they all have secrets?" I said as I ran up the stairs and walked into my room slamming the door.

"why me?" I said as I laid on my bed dozing off to dream land.

I believed him one to many times... Jimin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now