Chapter 10: A DATE?!?!?! Part 2

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Hours has passed and what felt like 500 years, the car finally came to a stop.

"okay we are here." He said as he got out of the car and ran to my side and opened the door for me to step out.

"thank you Jimin..." I said slightly blushing.

"that's what gentlemen do." he said with a small smirk on his face.

"now let's go." He grabbed my hand and we headed to an area with a bridge pathway surrounded by autumn leaves. We walked for what seemed like a few minutes, until we came to an opening which revealed the gorgeous autumn trees along the cute path up the mountain.

"Jimin, this is gorgeous!" I said awe.

"yeah, I used to go here a lot when I was younger, when I wasn't dancing." He paused

"it's very refreshing, isn't it?" he said as he was staring into my eyes, no. My soul, I could see how much he cared about this area and I was lucky enough for him to show me this beautiful place.

As I was in deep though Jimin nudged my shoulder, I looked up to him to see his facial expression with the word worried written all over his face.

"Thank you Jimin" I said as I put my head on his shoulder, slightly blushing. he just looked at me in surprised, but soon he just smiled and we both enjoyed the beautiful scenery.

Honestly, I didn't want any of this to end, I thought to myself. 

I believed him one to many times... Jimin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now