Chapter 5: Big Hit Entertainment

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Jimin walked off as he texted the guys, "okay I dropped her off at school." He texted

"Alright, do you want us to come and get you now?" namjoon texted

"Aww is Chim Chim's upset because he has to leave his "girlfriend" alone at school today? Hobi texted.

"Come on you guys, stop that's rude." said Taehyung

"Yeah you guys, what if you liked a girl and we did that to you guys, hyungs?" Jungkook texted.

The fellow maknae line was trying to help you by stopping the teasing from getting out of line.

"Thank you, Jungkookie."

"Thank you, Tae." Said Jimin.

As they came to pick Jimin up in a black van, it wasn't sketchy or anything it was a nice van in fact if I would've have seen them, I would've have more questions than answers.

Later that day Jimin arrived at the big hit building...

They had a full packed schedule Jimin looked up at the clock to see it was 9:30AM and with all this stuff to do he knew he wouldn't be home until 10:00Pm, if he was lucky... the schedule was something like this.

10:00am- 12:00pm- vocal practice

12:00-12:40 pm- lunch

12:40-1:00pm- free time

1:00-3:00- warm ups

3:00-7:00 -dance practice

7:00- 8:00 – stretching cool downs

9:00-10:00- staff meetings.

Jimin pov

Finally, it was 10:00 on the dot they let us go home because they knew how tired we were.

Everyone wanted to go to my house I shared with Y/N but I refused.

"come on!" everyone yelled.

"no, I didn't tell Y/N about anything that we do, she would become curious." I said as I looked down at the cement pavement near the van.

"we can just say we are friends that you work with!" everyone said in unison.

Jimin thought for a moment, as everyone knew he was thinking of a plan oh now you guys should meet, because that's what he does, he plans everything.

"not tonight, but I'm willing to let you meet her on Saturday." He said spacing out.

"YEAH, WE GET TO MEET JIMIN'S CRUSH!" everyone practically screamed except Jin, because Jin has just felt like his "son", Park Jimin has just grown up.  

I believed him one to many times... Jimin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now