Chapter 3: Mark?

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YN's pov

Later that day I just walked up to the room 430 which is the last class of the day, Contemporary dance.

"This week we will be focusing on ballet dancing" said the teacher.

This is the one day that Jimin could've been my partner of all the days why did he have to be gone today? I thought. As that class ending after a long video of techniques that we will be learning, I'm not going to lie, I kept on thinking about what Jimin could be doing right know. As I got ready to leave I felt a light tap on my shoulder, as I turned around I saw my friend that I knew since jr high, Mark.

"Mark?" I said in a confused tone.

"I actually have to ask you something..." he said in a low tone so no one could hear but me.

"would you mind being my partner for the ballet dance this week? "he said scratching his neck waiting for my reply.

I found myself dumbfounded as the first thing I thought about was Jimin.

"umm..." I said trying to find the words... "uhh, Mark. I... "I hesitated to say. "can I get back to you on that?" I said with a faint smile on my face.

He couldn't resist that smile I gave him.

"Of course, just let me know okay Y/N?" He stated as he walked closer to me,

"you know where I am in the mornings" he said cheerfully as we heard the bell to go home ring.

"okay, see you tomorrow Mark." I said as I started walking to the school's exit.

As I arrived home, I placed my shoes on the shoe mat and headed into our apartment. I just got here and I'm already lonely, I didn't want to admit it but I missed Jimin I haven't seen him at all today since this morning. But I must remember that he is probably still working, still I was curious... I wanted to know what he does. Putting that aside, I went into the kitchen to make tea, so I can work on my ballet routine to keep me from going crazy. I may need Mark for some things but I'll just practice the moves that I don't need him for. An hour and half later, I found myself panting, trying to catch my breath.

"UGH, why does he make me worry so much?!" I complained.

"wait." I paused, why should I care?! I thought I stopped thinking about Park Jimin?

"I'm going to bed!" I screamed as I walked up the stairs and closed the door to my room.

I believed him one to many times... Jimin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now