Chapter 2: Our Careers

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The next morning, I woke up on the couch because I was too emotionally distress that I didn't have the strength go upstairs and down the hall to my room.

"ugh." I said as I tried to stretch out my spine.

"I seriously need to stop sleeping on this couch." I groaned.

After I stretched I went into the kitchen to make me and Jimin lunch for we had school this morning. After I put the finishing touches on our lunches I went to go see if Jimin was up, I walked up the stairs and knocked on his door to see if he was up.

"Jimin?" I said.

"I'm up Y/N, but can you walk to and from school without me today? I'm sorry I'm a bit busy working with the guys and I'll be home late tonight." He said in a hurrying tone.

"umm, yeah sure. Do you need me to make you dinner still?" I said as I got my shoes on getting ready to leave.

"No. Not today, we are going to work and won't be home until late, so just eat without me." He repeated as I started walking out the door.

"Alright." I said closing the door and started walking to our school. Twenty minutes I got the gates that read Seoul institute of the arts, I was here for a bachelor in singing and Contemporary dance.

I walked to room 256, the room of my first class, advance singing II. Which was in a sound proof studio. We had a small class, about 12 kids which is small because only the advanced students where allowed in there, the best of the best. Jimin had this class but in a different hour, or that what he has told me anyways...

Meanwhile Jimin got excused from all his classes today because he is busy, busy working...

Jimin's pov

"Hey, Jimin!"-

"are you delighted that we took you out of classes today!?" said a goofy male with a grin as big as his face.

"ugh you guys just want to make more trouble for me." He said with a frown.

"okay, okay get in Jimin" said a Brown hair male that was the oldest out of all of them. Jimin sat next to a blonde with a low voice,

"Jimin, why do we make trouble for you? This is our career after all." He said in a confused tone.

"Just never mind Taehyung" he said as he turned and looked out the window for the rest of the ride. They slowed down and they all looked up to a big New York style building called, Big Hit Entertainment.

I believed him one to many times... Jimin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now