Chapter 13: The Accident and broken friendships?

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After quite some time the lecture was finished. I looked to see Jimin and Mark still at it.

"hey, you guys I'm sorry to bother you but, me and Mark are up to dance in a few minutes..." I said slightly annoyed.

"oh, sorry Y/n...." they both said in unison. When I turned back to see that it was me and Mark's turn.

"Jimin, don't worry everything will be okay. I promise I'll be your partner next routine!" I smiled at him as I walked to the center of the dance room.

But I could sense Jimin's uneasiness, I didn't feel right about this at all, but I ignored his facial expression.

It was two minutes into the dance when me and Mark was about to do our pas de deux finally, when the part I jump into his arms... or what I call the leap of faith, everything was going fine when suddenly... Mark missed his cue and didn't catch me causing me to hit my head and hurt my ankle. Everyone was in shock as I laid there on the floor not moving an inch. But little did I know Jimin was running to me like it was a life or death situation which it might have been, who knows?

-Jimin's pov-

Oh, my god Y/N!!!, I was literally yelling my head off as I ran to her side.

"Y/N?! Are you alright, please be alright...!" I said in a panicked whisper.

I paused as I looked to her, her face looked pained. I couldn't have believed what had happen in front of my very own eyes. No, I didn't want to believe it.

"Y/N... please be okay. "I said trying to support her body.

Suddenly the teacher ran to me and Y/N's side.

"we need to send her the schools infirmary." She said in a rush.

"I'll do it." Mark quickly replied.

"I think you've done enough for today Mark." I said highly angry.

He paused.

"I knew I couldn't trust you with Y/N, stay away from her or there is going to be trouble!" I warned.

And with that done, I took Y/N to the infirmary where I stayed with her for the rest of the school day waiting for her to wake up and with her condition still unknown.

I believed him one to many times... Jimin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now