Chapter 6: Thinking

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As Y/N laid on the couch she couldn't help but have flashbacks to what have happened today.


"Mark, do you need something?" I said confused

"have you thought about us being partners yet?" he said while looking at your brown orbs.

"umm, I'm sorry..." I said quietly.

"its fine you can give me an answer on Monday because that the due date for partners anyways" he said brightly.

"okay... thanks" I said as I walked away from him and headed home.

-end of flashback-

As I snapped out of my thinking, I saw that it was almost 12:00am.

"damn, I need to get to bed." I said as I walked up the stairs to my room, flopping on my bed as I slowly go in and out of consciousness. 

I believed him one to many times... Jimin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now