Chapter 9: A DATE?!?!

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The next morning, I found myself waking up to a knock on my door.

"who is it?" I said as I got my normal clothes on for the beautiful Sunday morning.

"it's Jimin, I have the day off and I was wondering if you would like to hangout? Only if want to though." He said trying to sound relaxed.

"okay sure!" you exclaimed

"okay be ready by 10:30 okay Y/N?" he said as he walked away.

You looked at the clock to see that it was 9:00, it was sweet of him to let me sleep in today I said slightly blushing.

"wait, I need to get ready!!" I said as a scrambled to get ready for this "hangout" time with Jimin.

-time skip-

Jimin was nowhere to be seen.

"I wonder where he could be?" I said as I went outside of the home, I looked at the parking lot to find a nice black car with black tinted windows.

Jimin got out of the car and took my hand.

"wow I didn't know you were so rich." I teased as Jimin took my hand and opened the car door for me.

And with a slight smirk he said, "maybe I am."

-A half of an hour in the car have passed before I asked Jimin where we were going.

"Jimin, where are we going?" I asked confused.

"hmmm, you'll see." He said not looking away from the road.

"you're making me nervous, you're not going to drag me to a desert, and kill me, right?" I said as I looked around to see we were not in Seoul anymore.

"we aren't going to a desert Y/N." Jimin said keeping his eyes on the road.

I was just about to think of another conclusion when Jimin cut off my thought process.

"I know you are going to love it, that's all I'm going to say. So, can you stop worrying so much?" he said still driving but he had a big genuine smile plastered on his face that made your heart skip a beat.

An hour and a half had passed and I was extremely bored, I decided I was going to tease Jimin.

"Hey Jimin?" I said as I looked at him.

"hmm." He said still looking at the road but you can hear some curiousness in his voice.

"I know you have blond hair right now, I'm curious why do you always color your hair?" I said curiously.

"hmm. Well I like to color my hair but sometimes I have to haha..." he said trying not to say much about the matter.

"ohh, well I'm curious. Which was your favorite hair color you had?" I said looking back at the window of your side of the car.

"hmmm... hard choice. But I always liked my black hair." He said slightly conflicted.

"Ooh..." as I looked back at the window deep in thought.

Jimin with black hair, that was something I had to see.

I believed him one to many times... Jimin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now