Chapter 12: back to school

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I woke up in a panic, then I realized I woke up before my alarm. I really wanted to see if Jimin would go to school today. And I was really hoping he would. I walked to his door, I paused before I had the guts to knock.

"Hey... Jimin are you going to school today?" I said in a timid voice waiting for an answer.

"yes, I am Y/N. But I have to sit out, I've been gone for the assignment so I can't dance with you guys, but I'll be there. He said as he got ready.

"oh, okay I'll wait for you in the living room" I said slightly disappointed but I was hoping he didn't notice.

-time skip-

Once we were ready we started walking to school together, side by side. Then I stopped and looked at Jimin.

"hey, Jimin... can you watch me in class? I'm kind of nervous..." I said slightly joking.

"of course. But I don't like that Mark dude..." he said in a serious tone.

"oh, I don't think he's a bad guy but It just doesn't feel right dancing with him, you know? "I said as we walked up to the campus.

"he's not fit to be your guys don't have a connection." he said but I couldn't hear him.

"what did you say?" I stopped at the gates.

"nothing, now let's go before we are late!" he said as he rushed me to class.

-Time skip to 6th hour-

Me and Jimin sat apart from each other because we weren't dancing together. I was worried about Jimin because he didn't seem happy about it, as I sat in my seat I looked at the doors waiting for Mark to come in to the classroom. As the bell was about to ring I saw a male figure dashed into the class.

"nice of you to join us today. Class, Mr. Tuan as decided to grace us with his presents." The teacher said as she announced Mark's presents to the whole class.

"now please have a seat." she said turning to the board.

"sorry I'm late Y/N." he said bowing to me

"its fine, at least I'm not partner-less..." I said with an awkward smile.

Without me knowing Jimin and Mark was having a staring contest, as I was too busy with listening to the lecture because after everyone must present their dances.

I believed him one to many times... Jimin X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now