~Chapter 8: Pack Mentality

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"Your a terrible bowler" Stiles exclaimed as the three of us walked out of the cafeteria.

"Yeah you ruined my 8th birthday party" I glared a Scott.

"I though we were over that by now" Scott said to me.

"Nope" I replied popping the p.

"I'm such an idiot" Scott said.

"No disagreement from me" I smirked at him.

"God it was like watching a car wreck, I mean first it turned into the whole group date thing. and then out of nowhere come that phrase-"

"Hang out" Scott interrupted Stiles.

"You don't hang out with hot girl ok its like death>"

"Oh yeah and what am I chopped lived" I said crossing my arms.

"Your my sister, your just you in my eyes nothing hot about you" Stiles said slightly uncomfortable.

"And what you wolf boy" I said to Scott narrowing my eyes at him.

"Your like a sister" he shrugged not knowing what to say.

I huffed spotting Isaac at his locker "I hate you both, next time you need advice on girls don't come crying to me" I said to them walking over to my best friend.

"See you at work?" Scott called to me.

I shrugged not bothered whether or not he could see me before leaning against the locker next to Isaac's "would you say that I'm hot" I asked him.

I could see his cheeks slowly turning red "I-I-I I mean in what in what context. Why are you asking me this."

I laughed at his adorableness "just answer the question Izzy I need to prove my dear brother and best friend wrong."

"Oh- if -if its to prove them wrong then yeah your pretty hot."

A smile slowly spread on my face "thank you" I looked at my phone to see the time "crap I'm gonna be late for work" I kissed his cheek before running off "your the best" I called over my shoulder. I hopped on my bike which I brought with me since I knew I had work and Stiles couldn't take me and got there as quickly as possible I left my bike against the wall already seeing Scott's bike already there. Crap I thought, I ran in the building and burst through the door both Scott and Dr Deaton looked at me "sorry I'm late."

Deaton chuckled at me, "yes by three minutes Scott only just walked through that door as well."

"But did he do it in heels" I smiled at he pair before putting my bag down by Scott's.

"No but I'd like to see him try" Deaton said.

I laughed at the pair before going over to the sink to start cleaning some dirty equipment I looked over to Scott who had a panicked look on his face I scrunched my eyebrows in confusing before seeing my dad enter the surgery room with buddy (Stiles chose the name) "hey dad" I smiled at him.

"Hey Sophia, Scott you two staying out of trouble" he asked us.

I mocked being hurt "I'm hurt dad really, you don't trust your own daughter."

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