~ Chapter 12: The tell ~

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"Which one Iron man or spider man" I asked Isaac, we decided to have a movie night

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"Which one Iron man or spider man" I asked Isaac, we decided to have a movie night.

"Hmmm Iron man, can't beat it" he said.

I started to look through my movie selection but I couldn't find Iron man then I remembered Scott had it "errrr Scott has it which means he's lost it."

"You wanna watch another or-"

"Nah its fine I'll run down to the video store I wont be long" I pulled on a pair of converses and a jumper I ran down the stairs the jeep keys in my hand . I drove to the video store locking the jeep which Stiles never did and walked in.

"Can somebody help me find the notebook" I heard Jackson ask when I walked in.

"The notebook, really Jack" I said to him he turned around and gave me a look "let me guess Lydia."

"Yeah, where is everyone, is anyone even working" he asked me.

I shrugged and walked to him "no idea but its creepy, I swear this is how all horror movies starts before someone is murdered and it's not going to be me."

"So your saying if there is a murderer here you gonna hide behind me."

"Yeah pretty much."

"Gee thanks Soph."

"Your welcome Jack" we started to walk around trying to find someone who worked here, the longer it took to find someone the creeper it got.

"You gotta be kidding me" Jackson muttered, we walked down an isle and saw what I think was feet sticking out one of the rows. Me and Jackson looked at each other before slowly walking forward we slowly walked around the corner and saw a man with his neck ripped out and blood splattered all over him. I stifled a scream by placing my hand over my mouth the only thing I could think of that would do something like this would be the alpha which means he's around here someone.

Jackson who had walked back knocked over a ladder causing all the lights to start flickering "we are defiantly in a horror movie" I said terrified.

Suddenly we both heard a low growling we turned around to see glowing red eyes in front of us, it was definitely the alphas "no, no, no, no, no" I kept muttering I was frozen in my place. Jackson pulled me with him so we were hidden behind one of the rows of movies.

Jackson moved his head so he could look around the corner but I grabbed his arm "no Jackson don't."

"I need to see is that thing is still out there that ways was know if we can get the hell out of here. Just trust me ok."

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