~ Chapter 15: Heart Monitor ~

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When I woke up the next morning I felt cold almost, I looked over and saw Derek was missing and in his palace was a note, still tired I opened it

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When I woke up the next morning I felt cold almost, I looked over and saw Derek was missing and in his palace was a note, still tired I opened it.

"Sorry Phia that I'm not there, I had to see Scott for werewolf training but I will see you later

Derek x"

I smiled when I saw the kiss by his name I'm sure he never did that, I looked over at the time which read 6 I blinked a few more times before getting out of bed and showered and then dressed I put on grey jumper with a pair of black jeans and black converses I grabbed my messenger bag and was about to walk out my bedroom door when I saw Derek's leather jacket still hanging over my chair, I looked at it for a second before taking it and putting it on, it was big and cosy and smelt like him.

"Whose jacket is that" Stiles asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"Isaacs" I lied shrugging, I knew if he knew the truth he'd loose it.

Stiles looked at me sceptically before shrugging and the pair of us left the house together and got in the jeep, as we got in Stiles's phone started ringing a moment later mine started to I looked down and saw Scott calling I rolled my eyes and pressed the ignore button "you to?" Stiles asked me.

"Yeah, I'm still pissed at him but he's our best friend. "

"I know Soph, I know."

We pulled up at school and without seeing Scott we both walked into the building and headed to our first class which was English, Stiles took his seat and I took mine which was next to his. A minutes later Scott walked in and both mine and Stiles face turned to a pissed off expression "still not talking to me?" Scott asked us as he took his seat behind Stiles. We both ignored him. "Can you at least tell me if your dads ok, I mean its just a bruise right some soft tissue damage nothing that big." We ignored him again. Me and Stiles looked at each other before looking back in front of us ""you know I feel rally bad about it right ok. What if I told you two that I'm trying to figure this whole thing out and......that I went to Derek for help."

"I'd say that you're an idiot for trusting him. But obviously I'm not talking to you" Stiles said, I rolled my eyes at his contradiction, the bell rung signalling the start of class, me and stiles looked at each other having a conversation with out eyes.

"Just talk to him."

"But I'm still pissed."

"Yeah well get over it."


We both looked to Scott "what did he say" we both said, Scott smiled at us glad we were talking to him again. Scott then went on to explain everything that Derek told him last night. Huh so that's where Derek disappeared to last night.

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