Chapter 1: The Issue

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Edit: It has been brought to my attention about some confusion. In this story Red is a boy. Thank you and read on.


The day started out like any other day, Keith Kogane woke up, took a shower, got dressed and brushed his teeth. As Keith was making himself breakfast his trusty feline companion, named Red, jumped up on the counter and started nuzzling Keith. "Yes, yes I see you Red I'm on it," Keith chuckled as he started opening a can of cat food. When Keith finished his breakfast he sat down on his couch, took out his phone and started scrolling through Pintrest looking for new knitting ideas -yeah he knitts, it calms him down, so sue him- Red, who just finished their own breakfast, curled up on Keith's lap who, in return, started petting Red. It was like this for a few minutes until a loud knock rang out and broke the calming silence. Sighing Keith turned off his phone, moved Red, who meowed in protest, and opened the front door... to come face to face with a gorgeous stranger.

The stranger was a tall, lanky Cuban teen, Keith guessed he was about 17-18. The Cuban teen had deep blue eyes Keith could get lost swimming in for days. He got snapped back to reality when the man started talking.

"...looo? Did you hear me?" The man asked. Keith felt his face grow warm, "no, s-sorry what did you say?" The man hmphed, "I asked if you own a ginger cat?" As soon as he said those words the cat in question came over and started nuzzling Keith's leg.

When the stranger saw Red his eyes widened and started freaking out, "It's you! You're the cause! It's your cats fault!" Ok know Keith was confused.

"Woah, woah, woah, wait. Back up a bit. First off, who are you and second of all what's my cats fault?" Keith asked clearly upset about this random stranger saying his cat caused something.

"Oh, right. The names Lance," the stranger said slightly calmer know, "and I believe your cat got mine pregnant."


Whoo, first chapter out of the way.  Tell me what you guys think and if you want more till then have a good day!!! :)

Cat-astrophe (Klance fanfic) Mortal AU.Where stories live. Discover now