Chapter 13: A Family

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Keith's POV

Lance and I have been married for a few years now, and I started to feel like we were missing something. I decided to call up Shiro and tell him about it, maybe he could help me figure out what it was I felt.




Shiro: Hello?

Keith: Hey Shiro.

Oh, hi Keith, what's up?

I have a question for you.

And I might have an answer.

Yeah, yeah, if you could stop being a dad for a second and help me I would really like that.

*Chuckle* Ok, what's your question?

Well, Lance and I've been married for a few years right, well I've had this really wierd feeling for a while and I was hoping you could help me figure it out?

Well, what are you feeling?

I feel like....we're missing something, I-I don't know what, but something.



Is this feeling like your missing something or someONE from your life?

What are you getting at?

Keith, I think what your feeling is a longing, for another person in your house.

Shiro I have no idea what you mean.

Kids, Keith, you want kids.


Whoop, I can't talk anymore, sorry, but call me back when you figure it out.


Kids? Did I want kids? Well, yeah, I guess having a kid wouldn't be that bad. Maybe I should talk to Lance about it.

~Small time skip brought to you by a baby Keith and baby Lance~

Lance and I were sitting at the dinner table eating when I sprung the question on him.

"Hey, Lance?"


"Do you want any kids?"

Lance chokes on his food, "W-what?" he looked up at me.

"Do you want to have kids?"

"Umm," Lance wiped his mouth with a napkin, "why the sudden interest?"

"I've just felt like our family was missing something, if you don't want to have any kids, fine, just please don't try to tiptoe around it."

"Wha-no, Keith," he took my hand into his and looked at me, "I want kids, it's just I never expected you to ask me about it, that's all."

"So, you do want kids?"

"Yes, more than anything in the world!!"

I giggle at his enthusiasm.


I look towards the sudden noise to see Ppalgan and Asul watching us. When we got married and moved in together I gave Kuro to Shiro and Lance gave Green, the other kitten Asul and Ppalgan had, to Pidge so we didn't have too many pets in one house.

"Did'ya hear that Asul?" Lance stood up and picked up his cat, "Your gonna be a big sister!"

"If Asul is the older sister than Ppalgan is the older brother," I stood up and tried to pick up Ppalgan, key word being tried.

Lance laughed as Ppalgan ran away. I laughed with him, I couldn't wait till we got our own child.

~Time Skip brought to you by a sleeping family of kittens~

Today was the day, today Lance and I adopt our own child at the local Orphanage.

We walked into the Orphanage holding hands, we walked up to the front desk to hopefully get a child.

"Hello," smiled Lance, "we're here to adopt!"

"Who isnt?" said the receptionist looking bored at us.

She stood up and took us into the back room, we had told her we wanted a newborn.

We saw a lot of options but there was one that caught my eye, a tapped on Lance's shoulder and pointed towards the infant. He nodded at me and we made a decision.

We chose a little girl with indigo colored eyes, tan skin and dark brown hair. We decided to name her Violet.


So the boys have a little family started. Guess you can live happily ever after huh?

Peace out women, men and those in between. ✌

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