Chapter 10: Where???

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Lance's POV

We were all walking to the holding chamber to ask Consta some questions. As we were walking we made small talk.

"So, your saying that you became friends with this little dude because of a mythical creature called 'Mothman'?" I asked Keith when he and Pidge told me how they met.

"Mothman is no mythical, he's real and I have proof!" Keith said slightly glaring at me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah, and why do you keep calling me 'dude'?" Pidge asked me.

"Cause your a guy," I stated simply.

Every one immediately stopped walking after I said that and just looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm not a guy," Pidge stated, "I'm a girl."

"Your what now?"

"Pidge's a girl, wait, are you saying that this entire time you thought Pidge was male??" my bud, Hunk, asked.


They all looked at me with a crazed look before turning back around and started walking to the prisoners cell again.

Feeling awkward I slowed down my pace to where I was behind the group, and by the look of everything no one noticed that I wasn't there. That left me to be with just my thoughts.

I was so lost in my own little world, kicking myself for being so stupid, I didn't see Keith stop walking till he was right beside me and put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him.

"Hey man, I just wanted to say that you did good on the mission, knocking her out like that. To be honest if you hadn't done anything I would have pulled my sword on her, I couldn't stand her glaring at us like we were cat shit," he said all of that with what looked like a blush on his cheeks.

Wait a minute, is he blushing at me? I think, a million questions like that zoomed through my head till I realized what he fully said.

"Wait, what?" I stopped walking, I was a little confused.

"What?" he questioned while stopping himself.

"You said she 'glared at us as if we were cat shit.' She didn't glare at us."

"Uh, yes she did."

"No, she didn't, when we turned around she gave us a blank stare."

"What? no! she glared at us."

We bickered back and forth about what look she gave us, me saying she gave a blank expression and Keith saying she had a pissed off look.

We caught back up to the group, still fighting when Mama's right hand man, a guy nicknamed Unkle Space, ran up to us with a panicked expression.

"Princess, Princess, we have a problem!!"

Shiro's POV

Did he

Keith's POV

just call

Pidge's POV


Hunk's POV


Lance's POV

Man, that guys got an impressive mustache.

"What is it Coran?" Mama asked the gorgeous gingered man.

"The prisoner, the one Lance and Keith braught in, she's escaped!"

"WHAT!!" everyone yelled.

We all ran towards the holding cells to that, sure enough, Consta's was empty.

"How did she escape!?" Mama turned to the cell guard.

"We don't know ma'am," he replied.

"Ugh, we need to find her now, send everyone out to search the area, she couldn't have gotten far," Mama commanded.

"Yes, Mama/Ma'am!"


Please read this.

Ok, first let me apologize for not updating for a month, I am sincerely sorry.

Peace out women, men and those in between ✌

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