Chapter 2: The Payment?

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"Wait...what?" Keith was not expecting that. Lance grabbed Keith's wrist and dragged over to his apartment room(oh yeah they live in an apartment building) opened the door and practically ran inside, bringing Keith with him to what looked like his living room.

There was a brown leather couch on one side of the wall and on the other was a TV a coffee table was set near the couch and in the middle of the floor stood a cat bed (sry can't explain stuff for shist) a blueish-gray cat was lying on the bed. Lance, who had let go of Keith's hand, walked over to the cat and beckoned Keith over. As he got closer Keith could see that there were actually 4 cats on the bed.

The blueish-gray cat, who Keith guessed was Lances original, was watching over three baby kittens. The first one was a light orange, almost yellow, color, the second one, the smallest of the bunch, looked more like it's mom but more blueish, and the third one, the biggest, was white with grayish spots all over, it also had a tint of red to its fur. "Woah. You weren't kidding," Keith said, he would be lying if he said he believed everything this stranger claimed. Speaking of Lance, he was looking at Keith like he offended him, "I would never kid about Asul's safety!"

"Right. Ok look I'm sorry about what Ppalgan did and would be more than happy to pay for anything they need AND take one off your hands," Keith reasoned, thinking it was a reasonable traid. (My little sister, upon reading this part: Well it's not Keith's fault the cat got horny)

The cuban male in front of him suddenly became very interested in his feet, "W-well ya see," Lance still not looking up, "I kinda promised one of my friends I would let him have one," he said sheepishly finally looking into the purple eyes staring at him.

For some reason this ticked Keith off, "You, you what!! You sold one of the kittens without talking to me first!" "Oh! I'm so sorry, I didn't realize I had to get your consult on this Mullet!! Their my cats kittens!" "Well their my cats kittens too!!" And so it was like this for about an hour bickering back and fourth till Keith had enough and left

~Time skip of a few weeks so the kittens can be distributed~

Keith's POV

It had been a few weeks since I fought with that Lance guy. Jeez, that guy really got on my nerve, though I had no idea as to why I got upset over the cat thing.

I was relishing in the silence of just me and my thoughts when my doorbell rang. Thinking it was the pizza guy I got up and answered it, but instead of it being the pizza guy it was my annoying neighbor, Lance, holding a kitten.

Before I could slam the door in his face, he handed me the kitten he was holding, "Hey, so my friend came over to take the kitten he wanted and I remembered that you promised that you would take care of one of them." I looked down at the kitten he handed me and saw that it was the black & white one.

"I also said I would pay for them if needed," I said looking back at his ocean blue eyes, God those eyes were so beautiful they were clearer than the sea, then they would storm over when he got angry and...wait your getting side tracked again Keith. FOCUS!

"Well," he said snapping me back to Earth, "I don't really see a need for you to pay anything about them, unless you want to train them or....get your cat neutered," he said looking at me through the corner of his eyes. Neutered, the Helhiem is that? I don't know, but it doesn't sound good.

"Nuetered?" I asked. "Yeah, I don't want what happened to happen again," he claimed. I still don't know what this "nuetered" thing is but I don't want to do that to my cat. "Yeah," I said trying to mimic his tone, "how 'bout no," then I slammed the door in his face. I took the kitten that was still in my arms and took him/her over to Ppalgan to introduce them. I looked down at my phone to see a text from my friend

Green Cub: Hey, Hot Head is it ok for me to come over tomorrow?

Red Cub: Yeah sure. I might need the moral support.

Green Cub: I'm not even going to ask. Cause I don't care.

Red Cub: Love ya too

With that I decided to turn in for the night.
Hey reader thanks for reading my book. I might make another update faster but I like to write down my idea before I put it on wattpad so don't hold this to me. I am also slowly figuring out how to do stuff with the text so bear with me on this crap.

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