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Song: For the Fallen And The Sleeping- Valka's Lament

Third Person POV.

Years had passed since that fateful night and Keith never remarried, sure it was hard raising a daughter by himself but he could never bring himself up to marry someone else, and now Keith himself had passed away.

Only to find himself in a strange bright white room. Looking down he saw that he did not look like his old self but in fact looked the age of when he lost his beloved Lance.

Standing up he walked out of the room to explore this strange place he was in.

He came across the room that was different from the others, this one had a gigantic screen against the wall, and it looked like someone was watching it.

"I've been expecting you for a while Keith," a familiar vioce said, it came from the chair that was in front of the screen. Where have I heard that voice before? Keith asked himself.

The person in the chair swerved around to talk face to face. And in the chair was none other than Consta, the waitress. Keith's eyes widened and his jaw hit the floor. There was no way this woman was here, she had completely disapeared of the face of the earth after she escaped them.

"Now before you ask or say anything I would like to explain some things," she said watching Keith, "First off, I am not your enemy. I never was and I never tried to be."

Keith opened his mouth to speak but Consta cut him off.

"Secondly, the reason I disapeared was because of my job. I'm the watcher."

"The what?"

"It's a little complicated to explain."

Keith crossed his arms, "Try me."

Consta sighed and stood up, "Follow me."

Keith followed her out of the room to another one, and this room was stunningly beautiful. It was covered, wall to wall, in keys. Consta walked over to a row and plucked the closest one off the floating holder. She beckoned Keith closer and walked farther into the room. Keith was shocked to see people walking around, placing keys upon their hooks. On closer inspection, however, Keith realized that they were not people but they were in fact constalations.

Consta stopped in, what Keith assumed, was the middle of the giant room. She slid the key through the air and turned it. Light surrounded the key and a mirage of Keith, older Keith, came from it.

"Wha-" Keith breathed, shocked.

Consta turned to him and spoke, "Every star has a memory and story in its core, it is my job to tell that story and share those memories. These keys are the core to stars. In them are your life stories."

"Wait, if your jib is to watch, what were you doing at the wrecked Galra sight all those years ago?" Keith asked the raven haired woman.

Consta sighed heavily, "My mother is quite the sadistic person. She had set up the photo and placed the bomb. When I asked her about it she said 'They seem a little too happy. I'm fixing that.' So, I went there to get rid of the bomb before you got there. I was too late though; thankfully, nothing too bad happened to you guys."

"Why did you run away after that?" Keith questioned, "You could have just explained that to us."

"Would you have believed me?" Consta looked Keith in the eye, "Would Allura have believed me?"

Keith averted her gaze, "No, I guess I wouldn't have believed you, and neither would have Allura."

Consta smiled at Keith. Turning around she turned the key to the left, making the Keith mirage disapear, and pulled the key out of the air. Beckoning Keith, Consta walked back into the room of keys and place the key back in its spot. Keith saw that above the key was his name. That's a nice touch he thought.

Consta walked back into her room with Keith following her. She stopped right in front of the monitors and turned back to the male.

"I've been keeping a close eye on you since I left. I try to prevent as much of my mother's awful schemes as I can. Unfortunately, it's against many rules to do so; I'm unable to stop every bad thing. Like with what happened to your husband."

Keith's eyes widened when she mentioned Lance, and he looked down in pain. He still loved Lance, all these years later.

"That why I pulled you here, as to my daughters request," Keith looked back up and saw a little girl standing behind Consta. Her hair was orange-ish pink and was pulled into high pigtails. "She is a very strong believer in every one getting a happy ending."

Keith faintly heard someone walking through the door behind him but he was too focused on what Consta was saying.

"As a way to say sorry for the confusion, and to appease Lily's cries, I've brought someone here for you," Consta gave a big toothy grin and set a hand on her child's head, who was smiling at whatever was behind Keith.

Keith turned around and tears started forming in his eyes. Standing in the doorway was someone he wanted to see for so long. Keith stepped forward as the man in the doorway ran to Keith.

At long last, after so many years of being apart, Lance and Keith pulled each other into a long awaited hug.

The End♡


At long last, I have finished this f*cking book. It only took me two(?) years. Ah, I like how it ended, what do you guys think?

If you guys want to continue reading things I've written, for some weird reason, I have another book for the Hetalia fans out there. Technically, it's two cause I have one for males and another for females, but there x child! Reader books so check 'em out if ya want.

Peace out women, men and those in between ✌

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