Chapter 8: Arrest

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Italics: Mama

Bold: Lance

Keith's POV

When she saw us her expression turned into a bitch face. She was just staring at us like we were roadkill, I was half tempted to draw my sword and skewer her.

"You," Lance breathed out. HOLY SHIT! I forgot he was here, "y-you're the girl from the restaurant, you were are waiter," wow, was he slow.

"Really? I thought she was the crazy old cat lady from 2b," Lance glared at me then turned to Consta.

"Look lady, I'm sorry to have to do this," he flashed her his 'famous' smile, dam, now I couldn't tell if that smile was too cocky for my liking or if it was the cutest dam thing I had ever seen, "but we're gonna have to take you in." He let go of me and grabbed his handcuffs.

Then quicker than you could blink Lance lunged forward and cuffed her hands. She looked down at the cuffs in shock, that's when they puffed out a gas that knocked her out.

"Man, I love those knock out handcuffs. Best invention we have."

"Look, Lance, we need to talk about this whole 'reveal' thing," I said turning to him, his smile immediately falls being replaced with a serious demeanor."

"I know."

"We should tell Mama."


"But how? Our helmets are broken so we can't talk through the coms."

"I have my phone I can call her on that," he said whipping his phone out. Where did he hide that?

Lance's POV


Hi Mama, it's La-BL.

BL? Why are you calling me on your phone?

I'm not wearing my helmet


and RL nows who I am


and I know who he is


shit she's using her deadly serious tone

I'm going to let you explain tourself. If I don't like what I hear you, and RL, are fired, understand?

Yes ma'am. You see, there was a bomb at the wreckage site and we got to close when it went off. My helmet got destroyed and RL's flew off. It was a little late when we realised we weren't wearing them and we saw each other.

*sigh* Alright. Did you find anything there?

Yes, we caught the person in the photo.

Good, come back. It's time you all know who you really are.

but Mama, our safety...

I KNOW! But knowing who you really are will be safer. For all of you.


I'm sending a chopper to come pick you and the arrested up.


See you when you get back *click*

"Well?" Keith asked when I hung up.

"She's sending a chopper to come pick us up."

"And?" he prodded more.

"And, we're revealing ourselves. Everyone is."

"What!? Why? I mean, the whole reason we wore helmets was to be safe!"

"I know, but Mama says this is safer."


"I don't know," I said truthfully. I hope Mama knows what she's doing.


Hey guys, sorry for the slow update. Like I know how the story is going to play out and who does what but I don't know exactly how to wright it out and I'm not really feeling like wrighting some times but I promise I'll try to get better at that. Anyway hope you guys enjoyed this, late, chapter.

See you next time women, men and those in between.✌

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