Chapter 9: Kris_Defeating The Masked Lord The First Time

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It was painful to watch my sister burn. I couldn't just stand here and watch her burn to death!

I looked at my surroundings, but I couldn't concentrate. The pressure was on, and as well as a life.

"I'll save you, just, try not -" more minions came crawling out of no where. Who knows, maybe from a HOLE in the ground. God, they're always in the  way. I didn't even want to deal with them either, my hair was a mess because of them.

"I'll take care of them, Kris! Save your sister!" Anne shouted. She round-house kicked several minions. Which looked quite painful.

"Right!" I nodded. There! A well! I sprinted for the well, and knowing how many minions might crawl out of there, I kind of hesitated at first.

The wind grew into gusts. The sky was turning black. Everything was dark, except.. my eyes? They were glowing, really bright.

Almost like a flashlight.

Still seeing the well, I grabbed the bucket laying beside it, and - wow. The water was pretty much at the top of it.. Fools, they do realize that water could just spill out of it? Oh well...

I stole a bucket of water, sprinted back to Violet, and threw the water at her. Most of the flames put out. Which was good, but the odd thing was is that the flames were being put out by itself.

The flames being put out by itself, Violet glowing, The Masked Man screaming in anger. '

Yep, you can tell my mind was in a swirl of confusion, right? How can she glow? Was The Masked Man making her glow with his super flame powers or something?

Violet sat right up. "Wow I feel... fine? No pain - nothing!" She said, wide eyed. Looking at her hands in front of her face, twisting them as though she'll find some reason there on why she is okay. "Kris, your eyes - they're glowing!" She looked at me, standing up. The Masked Man trying to set her on fire, again. "Oh my god... mine are too!" She said turning to look in one of the windows on the building beside her.

"You now realize?" I said rolling my eyes. "Now is not the time to be talking about that. We need to get a comb, ASAP," I said quickly. Trying to use my hands as a comb, I pat my hair down and sometimes used my fingers to brush my hair.

"Kris, come on! It is just your hair, it doesn't mean it is the end of the world!"

"Are you two going to talk about combs, or are you going to worry about The Masked Lord?" Anne blurted out. Putting her hands on her hips, glaring at us.

"Oh, right," I said. I totally forgot about him! Oh well, he's not someone I'd like to remember anyway.

Violet turned back to where The Masked Lord used to be... but he was gone. "Where did he go?" She said with a puzzled face.

The skies cleared up, Violet's eyes were back to their regular self. Non-glowing electric blue.

The town people looked at us, cheering, crying tears of joy, and some kids ran out to hug us. \


Dead bodies laid there in the dirt roads. Blood was smeared on Violet's shirt... as well as jeans. This was horrifying. Not happy daffy shlappy!

"Thank you for saving us!" Said one of the girls. She looked about ten, hugging me half to death.

She let go of me, and tackled Violet. She fell back, and the little girl was practically choking the air out of her with a hug.

"Can't - Breathe!"

"Sorry Miss Violet!" She said with sympathy on her face. "I was just so happy you came to our little town! You see, in the prophecy, it said you would come to our town first, Town Melbery."

"Wait... This is the beginning of our "Prophecy"?" I raised an eyebrow. She nodded with a smile.

. . . .

I can't believe Anne and Violet said they'd spend the night in this dumpy village.

We stayed with that girl's family. Her name was Aahyliah. Her family was just... poor. I can barely handle it. Whenever they sneeze it is like, OH MY GOD! RUN FOR THE HILLS! Who knows what they could have on their sneezes? RABIES! No, that is mean... but they can't afford medicine, which is why I'm petrified right now.

Then, Aahyliah spoke. With us sitting around a camp-fire.

"The prophecy is said for you two to save the world. Which you were probably already heard -"

"Look here," I said, shifting uncomfortably. We were all sitting on the grass around the fire. "I know about our "Prophecy"," I said as I made air quotations, "I just think that this thing is far-fetched. I just don't know why WE were the ones Chosen...." I looked at Violet. She must've agreed with me, for a moment..

"Kris... Look, we can't deny the fact that we ARE the chosen ones. Think about it, haven't you noticed everything that was happening to us seems like a dream?... It isn't. Wake up and face reality," she said coldly before turning back to the fire.

This is all just insane! If I go on this.. Prophecy quest thing, my hair will get worse. Who knows what it will look like without a comb! Probably an afro.

"You aren't any help -" I tried to protest, but Anne interrupted.

"She's right. You can't hide the fact that you two have enormus amount of Soul Energy."

Now both Violet and I were confused.

"Soul Energy?" We said at the same time.

"Yeah, Soul Energy. Haven't you heard about it?" She raised an eyebrow suspiciously.

We shook out heads at the same time.

"Man.. You guys aren't very informed on what goes on around you. Hasn't your mother told you anything? - Wait... I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean it.." She said with a sympathetic look on her face.

We both just nodded. Though I could tell Violet wasn't totally okay.

"Well.. Soul Energy is the ability to move on with your life. Basically it is everything that functions you. It is all your emotions, energy to move, even strength. You two were chosen because of this," Anne looked at me. Remembering when I said how Gods sitting in clouds chose us.. "Each of you has a special ability no one else can. The Masked Lord wants that ability, or at least destroy it. You Kris, have the ability to control time. You can't change.. certain parts in time though. Along that, you each have little other abilities as well. Sounds cheesy, but that is what it says in the prophecy," she shrugged.

"Woah, really? How!"

"I don't know. If I knew, don't you think I would've told you?"

"Good point..."

She turned her attention to Violet, "You pretty much kill The Masked Lord. It said on the prophecy you can control things with your mind... Or was it... Hypnotism? I don't remember. Well no, I think it was Both," she turned to look at Kris and sighed... "In the Prophecy, it is said that one of you will die..."

It was silent for a long time.. So long, that we needed to rest so we could face the next day.

The sad thing is, I couldn't sleep... Why do I have to die? Was it because I was self-centered? Yea, I am.

It isn't like I can't change. . . .

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