It burns

22 1 0

So you see me, you see the smile you see the laugh, you notice my eyes gleam when I see you but you don't have any idea, not even a clue about why. 

I am smiling not because of how I feel, I am smiling because I left my room today, I walked out of my house after day's of wishing I wouldn't be able to see the next day. 

I am laughing, Not because I am happy, I am laughing because instead of being asleep I am here, I am with someone else in the world I didn't want to come out into today. 

The gleam in my eyes? that is there because of so many reasons, The main one being I get to shear this moment with you. 

Although my arms ache, the sun burns, the wind hurts slightly. 

even though it all burns. 

I am here with you and I get to make the most of that 

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