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I hope for many things.

I hope for silly things like:

Maybe today it will rain gumballs or maybe Mary poppins will come down and show me how to jump into a painting. 

I also hope for realistic things don't worry I don't always disappoint. 

I hope for sunny days and icecream 

Or a good book with a good ending. 

But I also hope for things that I guess I shouldn't

I hope that she misses me, I hope that it starts to hurt her what she did to me.

I hope that she regrets leaving me. I hope she realises how stupid she was. 

I hope that she wants to message me one day then realises she can't 

I hope her all of the upset she caused me and just a little bit more. 

Because she took away my best friend from me.

And it sucks because I still have her pictures up in my room. 

I still have her cards she gave me.

I still have presents she insisted I'd have.

I hope she looks at the stuff I gave her, I hope she remembers everything we did.

and I hope it hurts. 

I hope that it hurts when she thinks of me...

And I hope unicorns are real. 

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