1 / Train Station

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The smell of warm engines and the screeching sound of metal on metal echoed throughout the station as Jordan Fraser waited at platform 9 3/4 for her train. All around her was the shrieks of younger siblings and the concerned fretting of parents, and for a moment, she felt a light pang of loneliness as she stood with nothing but her trunk and owl at her side.

"They didn't come, huh?"

The Slytherin girl turned to see a tall, lanky boy with dark rimmed glass standing casually at her side. His brown hair framed his boyish jawline, and his milk chocolate eyes shone in a way that made her heart skip. His name was Michael Klukovich, a brilliant Ravenclaw boy she met in her third year, and quickly grew close to.

Jordan let out an small sigh. "You know they stopped coming a long time ago."

Jordan's parents had stopped seeing her off to Hogwarts after her second year, once they had discovered the kind of company she had been keeping. Ever the loyal friend, the young redhead had refused to abandon her new band of mixed-blooded misfits at the cost of her parent's approval. As a result, her parents shunned her for having 'filthy half-breed friends' in 'weaker houses'.

Their disappointment didn't bother Jordan as much as it used to, but a part of her still ached to for her parents pride in her accomplishments. If she had been given the opportunity to make things right, Jordan knew she would take it.

"It's good to see you, Jo." Michael complimented quietly, adjusting his glasses before looking to her shyly.

Her answering smile was soft, but bright. "Likewise."

An arm suddenly snaked around Jordan's shoulder giving her a jolt of surprise, and for good reason as the voice that followed gave her shivers.

"You look well, Jordan." The one and only Malfoy boy commented as he swiveled around to face her. His icy blue eyes gave Jordan a sense of frostbite as the arm he held felt numb in his grasp.

"As do you, Draco." Jordan added with a slight bow of her head.

Something about that Malfoy boy made her feel unsettled inside. Possibly as a result of raging rumours and usual first impressions, yet with their families growing so close over the course of the summer break, she felt she had seen a new side of him - a side he hid from everyone else. It gave her hope for a change in heart for the boy; hope that she could make a difference in him.

"How would you care to accompany me on the journey to Hogwarts, Jordan?" The Slytherin descendant asked charmingly, and for a moment, Jordan almost gave in.

Michael coughed however, pulling her out of her daze, "Umm, well I appreciate your offer but, Michael and I planned to sit together." She explained, seemingly embarrassed.

Jordan could have swore she saw a twitch in the boy's eye, however he played it off with, "No matter. Perhaps another time."

He gave a short smile before reaching out and pulling the red-head girl's hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on the skin before saying, "Until we meet again, Ms. Fraser." Draco then spun on his heel and walked off, but not without a short glare directed in Michael's direction as he addressed, "Klukovich."

The boy simply nodded in return as he was unsure of what else to do. However once the Slytherin had left from sight, Michael turned to Jordan with nothing but utter shock lacing his voice.

"Care to explain that?"

Jordan coughed. "To be perfectly honest... I'm not quite sure."

Not only was she unsure of what brought up the sudden need for such an encounter, but she was even more unsure of what the boy thought of her, or what she thought of him for that matter. Her parents seemed to be pushing the two of them together, yet her friends wanted more for them to be drawn apart, and she wasn't quite sure which pull was stronger. It was a constant battle of tug-of-war in her head ever since she met him a few months ago.

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