20 / Flames

40 11 2

The entire crowd watched the heartbroken girl in mute horror, before the stillness was shattered by a tall figure breaking from the crowd. A black haired Ravenclaw boy, who was recognizable to next to no one besides the boy who was no longer living, stumbled down the steps in an evident agony. He fell weakly onto his knees, crying out silently along with the rest of the crowd.

"Oh, Oak..." The boy whispered out to no one, but it was all he could manage while clutching the cuff of his sweater in tight fists.

Tessa watched him from where she sat up on her section of bleacher. She recognized the boy, she wasn't sure from where, but now she knew she had seen him with Oak before. Miles, her mind spoke in recollection. It was then that she understood.

The two boys, inseparable and in constant laughter. Oaks apparent disinterest in a stunning Hermione at the Yule ball. Sweet smiles exchanged between lessons, and sitting together every meal - despite coming from seperate schools.

The Colombian girl continued to sit silently in her seat, rage bubbling at the sight of lost companionship. In her heart was a smoldering anger towards the school hosting such a dangerous game, furious that the Dark Lord had actually returned, and outraged that no one could do anything about it.

But what fueled Tessa's anger the most was watching Jordan show not a flicker of emotion. In being only a few rows away, Tessa could identify every word and curse and joke her and her serpent king made to each other. It made Tessa sick that Jordan could have no sympathy or condolence for her former best friend, yet instead, Draco could be seen whispering in the girl's ear, causing them both to chuckle to themselves. What they were laughing at, Tessa couldn't imagine, but it made her blood boil.

Fawn sat slumped beside her, quiet tears falling from her eyes. She hadn't know Oak that well, but watching Willow's agony made her heart ache for her; she knew what it felt like. However her attention wavered as she followed Tessa's intent gaze to the couple of Slytherins that were just getting up to leave.

Without saying a word, Tessa got up to follow after them, Fawn trailed close behind.

"Tessa what are you going to do!?" Fawn called out to her, although she gave no response as her heart was set on the overwhelming determination pulsing through her veins.

With her hurried speed, she caught up to the two just as they had made it down into the empty castle halls of the dungeons. Tessa pulled out her wand as she called out to the girl, "Fraser!"

Her voice sounded like thunder, booming through echos and lingering noises that made Draco's stomach curl. Although it affected Jordan not in the slightest as she spun around to look the fiery Colombian in the eyes, smugness forced onto her features.

Jordan let out a menacing laugh, seemingly humoured by Tessa's heroics.

"How can you be so inhuman?" Tessa spat with her wand still raised. "Your best friend is suffering yet you show no sympathy!"

"Maybe it's because I haven't got any." She mused, evergreen eyes dark. "That arrogant bastard is better off dead. At least this way he won't have to face the wrath of the Dark Lord. You should envy him."

Tessa clenched her jaw, the edges of her teeth scraping together as she pushed harder into Jordans skin with her wand, tears welling up in the Colombian's eyes. "There is nothing you could say that would make me believe that. This isn't you, Jordan!"

The Slytherin girl cracked a smile so wide, yet it didn't reach her eyes. It was the same smile she had given Fawn that day they stole her necklace. The memory made Fawn's entire body tremble. "You don't know me, just wait you will all suffer at my hand, especially your pet Veela scum."

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