17 / Hexed

52 11 1

Fawn watched as Toby pulled a crumpled piece of parchment out of his pocket and read it with a hidden smile. Seeing hope cross his face for the first time all morning, Fawn put together the pieces - Willow had arranged something in order to apologize to Toby.

Fawn's lips showed a small smile in the realization as he stuffed the note back into his pocket before the Hufflepuff boy managed to slip away from the group without any further interrogation or added suspicions. Her and Michael were left in the swarming hallways created by the rush of lunch break with nothing for the two to do but wander off to the library; when Tessa found the pair, she instantly started up bubbly conversation which left the remaining two slightly unsettled as their troubles were pushed back.

Michael remained unnervingly silent as he trailed behind the girls like a lifeless drone. Fawn's conversation was short and limited as her mind of swirling thoughts spun around her like a hurricane; the pair could not stop there minds from travelling back to that morning's Potions class. Tessa quickly caught onto the troubled atmosphere when Fawn failed to respond to one of her questions.

"Is there something wrong, you two?" Tessa asked in sort of demanding curiosity.

"It's nothing really," Fawn assured her. "Just a little unsettling is all."

Tessa hopped in front and turned around in order to stand face to face with the honey blonde girl, the brown girl's eyebrows raised in inquiste. "What's unsettling?"

"Jordan and Draco barged into our Potions class today for some 'urgent' business. I was just surprised that Professor Snape went along with it, he put the entire class on hold for them. It was very... unexpected." Fawn explained her confusion.

"I just can't stop thinking about that damn necklace." Michael chimed in.

"What necklace?" Tessa puzzled, beginning to become annoyed as she seemed to have missed so much in one simple class.

Fawn sighed, "Michael has this crazy idea that the heirloom necklace Jo received from Draco is enchanted."

"Well?" Tessa pried, "Is it?"


"-We don't know for sure." The two answered over each other.

Tessa's lips pulled into a mischievous smile that Fawn knew too well. The blonde shook her head in response but before she could argue, Tessa interjected.

"I say we do a little snooping around."

>>> • <<<

It turned out there wasn't much of a 'we' in this sleuthing, as Fawn soon found herself lost in the tangle of students with her friends nowhere in sight. Tessa and Michael wasted no time in rushing off to find the serpents, but forgot about the Veelan.

Fawn sighed, but it came out as more of an vicious grumble as a pair of first years took a cautious step away from the aggravated girl with looks of terror on their faces.

With little else she could do, Fawn called out their names as she began wandering in search for her long lost friends.

She had begun to give up looking when an idea shot through her mind like a bullet: gone just as fast as it came as she forced out the injurious, immoral thought as she shook her head as if telling herself no.

'But it would be so easy.' Fawn was pulled back to the thought, 'They would have to listen to my calls if it was in melody...'

The voice was sly, and truthful, whispering her ear as if through a voice other than her own. She forced herself out of the siren trance however, remembering her mother. She held a high regard for her mother's warning and wasn't about to go back on her word now. She felt guilty for even considering it, despite it being for just a brief, fleeting moment.

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