11 / The Yule Ball

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Willow felt as if the weight of her entire life's secrets took the form of iron wings on her back, holding her captive to the fear she felt.

She watched her glossy reflection in the mirror of the bathroom where she stood in her pale, fairy-green dress, but no matter how many times she shifted her stance, posed, or adjusted the fabric draping her body, she still felt as though she would rather hide in the confidments of her regular clothing.

Tessa and Fawn waited impatiently outside the bathroom for Willow, who hopped nervously behind the walls of the restroom.

"C'mon Will!" Fawn hollered at her, "We want to see!"

"She's right. Stop being so worried, tranquila todo estará bien!" Tessa said.

Willow finally mustered up enough courage to step out from the wall she hid behind. The dress she had spent so long worrying about look phenomenal on her, complimenting every aspect she found pride in as the thin, flowing fabric dragged behind her feet like a curtain of water, following her every step. Willow's leg peaked through the slit in the draping skirt.

Willow had her hair done up in loosely elegant twists to the back of her head, revealing the pointed ears she would usually be so careful to hide. To top off the look, a shimmery gold colour painted her eyelids, drawing attention to the purple of her eyes she had never before shown off. Tessa and Fawn subconsciously agreed that it was like looking at a completely different girl.

A charming smile took a place on Fawn's features as she clasped her hands together in pride from her work. "Oh Will," She marveled, "You look stunning. Everyone's going to love it." Tessa nodded in agreement.

Although Willow trusted her friend's word, she couldn't help but feel unsettled, like she wouldn't be accepted.

"We gotta go girls, we're going to miss the opening dance." Tessa interjected as she turned to race out the door.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" Fawn called out, "I've got one last finishing touch for your dress, Willow." With that. Fawn pulled out her wand, tapping it on her free hand in a jittery excitement.

Willow took a stance in front of her, unsure of what Fawn had in mind. A shot of nerves sparking up behind her eyes as the Veelan girl lifted her wand.

Fawn whispered a spell under her breath as she spun her wand in small circular motions, a light trail of gold dust flowing behind creating a swirling pattern of magic. The stream of dust began to clump and mold into unidentifiable shapes until little gold leaves started to form. They spun around Willow as if they were being carried by a gentle whirlwind before peacefully settling on her sleeves, shoulders and skirt.

Willow stretched out her arms in front of her to examine the enchanting embroidery, swaying in her dress in awe and excitement as she watched the gold leaves sparkle. The precious metal crowned her in a new confidence and a spark of pride flashed in her eyes, overcoming the nerves.

"It's perfect." Willow whispered, almost breathlessly.

Fawn smiled triumphantly before dismissing the act with a kirt wave. Linking arms with her, Fawn lead the way off towards the direction of the ball room with Tessa at her side.

As the three of them made their way to the ball through the empty hallway, they passed by Myrtle's bathroom. With a sharp flash of recollection, Willow remembered her brother's date.

"I'll meet you guys there," Willow burst. "I've got something I need to do."

Fawn's head snapped up when Willow abruptly dropped her elbow. Her wide-eyed gaze narrowed in suspicion after a moment of examination. "What? I thought we were going together?"

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