12 / Serpent Queen

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In the silent hall, their footsteps echoed enormously, and was only drowned out by the throbbing of Jordan's heartbeat.

The steady pounding in her ears, matched by her shallow breaths, threatened to freeze Jordan in her place as Draco led her to the peak of the staircase overlooking the ballroom. For a hysterical moment, she thought the drum of her panicked heartbeat was so loud, it drowned out the chatter from the hall below her. The frightened cadence quickened when she realized there was no conversation. Everyone was focused on them.

Her elegant partner beside her used their linked arms to gently tugged her forward, and she suddenly felt vulnerable, as her open collarbone and chest were accented by the contrast of her fair skin against the dark velvet of the gown. The movement rustled her grand skirts, which outstretched a foot from her waist in every direction. The fountain of deep emerald green fabrics nearly swallowed Draco's lower half. Despite this, the blonde boy moved with ease as he guided her down the staircase.

Jordan's high heels clicked on the quiet flooring of the steps, echoing out into the silent hall as surrounding students began to part like the red sea to make way for royalty. Jordan could feel her cheeks turn a shade of red at the attention.

Trying her best to distract herself from the curious scrutiny, she looked over to Draco at her side, who looked ravishing in a tux with complimenting colours to her own. His eyes were nearly level with her own considering she was given a boost by her shoes. He smiled proudly, not bothered by the prying eyes and creeping murmurs, a smile that Jordan found quite contagious.

To the others however, the boy's smile seemed foreign on his porcelain face, it looked almost alien to their eyes as he always wore a sneer or a nasty smirk around them. Willow was one of those left baffled by the expression. Seeing how different both Jordan and Draco were now was almost unbelievable; like switching personalities with Jordan sneering pureblood purest comments, and Malfoy actually smiling. Willow turned away from the lavish couple, an uneasy feeling growing and fury roiling in her stomach.

Breaking her from her thoughts, Willow turned to Toby, who still had his disbelieving eyes on the stunning pair. "C'mon," she said, voice low as she tugged at his hand. "Let's go find Michael and the rest."

Toby turned, and noticed the fresh rising anger playing out on her features. "Of course." he murmured back.

Within moments, Willow had found Harry and Tessa. The couple was given a wide berth on the dancefloor as Harry fumbled his way through the waltzing pattern. While other party-goers were anxious to avoid having their feet stepped on, Tessa seemed to be managing as she patiently helped Harry with his footwork. When asked about it later, Tessa had mentioned flippantly the permanent loss of feeling in her toes, mainly due to Fawn. She never did elaborate further.

It didn't take long for Fawn herself and her date to find the dancing pair, and upon reaching the them, she was slightly shocked to find Willow and Toby standing off to the side.

"Willow? Were you not going to dance with Toby?"

Willow did not give an answer right away, and she thought for a moment. "I guess we haven't gotten around to it." She smiled up at Tobias and with a familiar glint in his eyes, she knew she would get her dance.

The Veelan girl then giggled as she slipped in between Harry and Tessa, grabbing a hold of the girl's hand and waist as she continued the waltz that Harry had started with her.

Harry stuttered briefly at the abrupt interruption, but seeing as the girls enjoyed themselves so much, he was brought to smile.

The girls happily laughed together as they goofily finished the dance before curtsying to one another.

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