14 / Black Lake

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It was a clouded and gloomy morning that followed, the chilly air blowing gusts of wind throughout the hallways every so often. Despite this, a comforting warmth filled the chests of every student who eagerly awaited the Second Task that was to take place on this day.

To Draco, it had felt like an eternity since the first challenge. He above everybody couldn't wait to watch the Potter boy fail, although he kept his morbid fantasies to himself as he intertwined his fingers with the small red-headed girl that walked beside him.

The two made their way from the Great Hall after breakfast, but not without passing by an identical duo of orange hair and squabbling nonsense. The Weasley twins stood on a bench as they called out to the small crowd gathered around them.

"Come one, come all! Bet your galleons on the champion you think will win today's challenge!" They said in perfect synchronization.

"Pathetic." Jordan whispered to Draco with an eye roll, "Truly sad how that is the only way a Weasley can manage to make enough money for clothes; through betting."

Draco laughed coldly in full agreement. "Almost makes me pity them. Almost." He whispered back.

The two snickered indiscreetly as they passed, but in continuing through the hallway, the two locked contact with a wide-eyed Michael Klukovich. The tall, lanky boy's gaze drifted down to their linked hands, only making his stunned expression more definite.

Draco sneered at the boy before tightening his grip on Jordan and steering her down a different hallway, away from Michael. Whether it was an act of protection or an act of jealousy, she wasn't quite sure, but what she was sure of was the way her heart seemed to squeeze painfully when she had met eyes with the tall brown haired boy.

The sudden action made Jordan wonder if the Slytherin boy had true feelings for her, or if he was only trying to keep her from returning back to her old friends before completing her duty as a death eater; whatever that was to be.

They walked down the path towards the dock, where students were boarding the small wooden boats. Jordan followed Draco onto a boat where Blaise and Pansy were sitting. When the boat began moving on it's own, Jordan looked behind her to see if Willow was on the dock. She knew that even if she saw her, Willow wouldn't want to talk to her not after the horribly offensive comments she made about Willow's heritage. Jordan clenched her jaw, and much to her surprise easily put WIllow out of her mind. Draco, seeing her detached gaze, reached out and grabbed her hand gently, putting it between them as to keep discreet about it.

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The fresh floating structures swayed slightly on the dark, frigid water of the Black Lake, students and teachers alike flowed between the different levels in a rush to find a good view. Tessa and Fawn found seats near the front on the new constructed bleachers while waiting for the others to arrive, and it didn't take long for Toby, Michael, and Hermione to find the pair.

¨Hey Toby, where's Willow?" Tessa asked the blonde boy as he sat down on the row below her.

"I thought she was with you guys?" He turned, face twisted in confusion.

Fawn shuffled in her concern, her brow furrowed. "We haven't seen her all day."

"Yeah, I haven't seen Ron all morning either." Hermione added. "Do you think that they were just late and couldn't catch a boat?"

Tessa scanned the crowd. "Late to the second task? Dios Mio, Ron is daft, pero él no es tan estúpido."

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of Dumbledore clearing his throat, and the crowd fell silent. Hermione and Tessa whipped their heads toward the sound, and Fawn sputtered indignantly underneath the pair's wild curls. She managed to clear her face of the untamable locks in time to hear Dumbledore shout "Begin!"

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