8 / Foreign Blood

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"Then he said I'd be prettier as a Harpy." Fawn rolled her eyes, "He's way too cocky for his own good."

"Why won't you go to Dumbledore about this? Or better yet, punch him in the face. I'd like to see him try to strut with a broken nose." Tessa bared her teeth in a furious grin.

"Because it's not worth it." Fawn stated calmly, "Draco always wins, if he didn't, than he would have been kicked out of Hogwarts a long time ago. A punch to the nose won't change that."

Tessa suddenly noticed a pair of familiar prying eyes rounded in surprise at the topic of their conversation.

"What are you talking about?" Jordan asked the girls. She came out from the corridor she had came from to stand with the girls.


"-Draco's a snake." Tessa interjected, "He was insulting Fawn in Potions class. He shamed her Veelan kind and then had the nerve to call her ugly!" Summarizing the incident was just about as infuriating as living it. Tessa clenched her fists. "Then he told us that all the mudbloods and half bloods are impure and basically just need to die."

Jordan stood staring at the girls in an unnerving silence as doubt flooded her mind, although it left in a fleeting moment as she remembered Draco's cruel capabilities. She began filling with enough emotions to cry, scream, laugh and punch a wall all at once. The feelings and thoughts began spinning around and around her head making her dizzy, and Tessa could see it.

But with a brisk, indiscreet shake of her head she regained her composure.

"Draco would never do that."

Tessa and Fawn both stared at Jordan, desperately trying to comprehend her words.

"Have you met Draco!?" Tessa's voice cracked.

"I know him better than you do, and I know he would never do such a thing." Jo responded calmly, although she was burning with fury inside.

Tessa, for once, didn't know what to say. Fawn spoke up, "I promise Jo, we are not lying."

Jordan forced herself to furrow her eyebrows at the girl, "You're just doing this so I will stop spending time with Draco!" she accused. "Aren't you!?"

"No of course not, Jordan!" Fawn defended.

Without allowing them to explain themselves further, Jordan walked away, heading straight for the Slytherin common room with the blood in her veins burning her skin.

Once she arrived, Jordan plumped herself on the couch in front of the fireplace, staring at the flames intently as she tried to sort out her thoughts. It infuriated her that Draco would go behind her back and say such horrible things to Fawn and about the half bloods.

Draco came through the door and into the empty room with a satisfied grin on his face from his previous encounter with the Veela half breed. Jordan did not look at him.

He walked over to her, eventually wiping the grin off his face to match her somber mood. He took a seat beside her as he reached out to put his arm around her shoulders.

"Don't touch me" she snapped with a whip of her hand.

He looked at her with a mix of confusion and concern.

"Did I do something wrong?" He asked unaware of how much Jordan knew. His eyes pried into hers, almost making her forget what she was mad about.

She pulled herself away, "Why would you say such horrible things to them?"

"Them?" He thought for a moment, "Oh... You mean the Half Breeds?"

Jordan stared him dead in the eye, "I mean my friends."

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