16 / Passing Notes

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"Sounds to me like she just needs a little time to simmer down. She'll apologize when she's ready." Michael advised to Toby as they took their seats in Professor Snape's Double Potions class.

"You're probably right. I just woke up feeling so bad; I shouldn't have done that."

"Don't feel bad." Fawn chimed in as she pulled out her text book, "You were just doing what you thought was right. And quite frankly, if it's any consolation, I think it was."

Fawn began to wondered why she was hearing about the couple's disagreement from Toby and not Willow. Part of her had hoped that Willow would have come to her, that the friends were closer than that.

"Morning Class." Severus Snape announced in his usual disdain, dragged out speech. "As you all should be aware, today we are continuing our research for the 12 inch parchment essay that will be due by the end of exams next week. Keep silent, or there will be consequences." With that, the professor sat down behind his desk as the class all dove into their textbooks.

After a few grumbles and complaints about having Potions first thing in the morning and on till lunch, Fawn and the two boys began on their research. The three were hard at work when all of a sudden, the large wooden doors behind them opened up to reveal a pair of Slytherin students that they knew all too well.

"Good day Professor Snape, I apologize for the rude interruption but I'm afraid it's urgent." Draco announced in an unnerving pride; his sibilant voice hanging in the air. Jordan walked steady at his side with the same grim look painted on her fragile facial features; it looked unnatural on her.

With a low grumble, the Professor gave into the Slytherins' persistence. He then shouted regrettably, "Talk amongst yourselves." With his voice still lingering in the air, he swiftly pulled the two visitors behind his desk as they began to discuss their private matters.

The class of Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students quickly took advantage of the rare chance they were given to talk in Potions class, leaving Toby and Fawn to strain to listen to the secretive conversation taking place at the front of the class.

Michael however, found himself uninterested by the topic of conversation while his eyes rested peacefully on the girl he used to know.

He watched her in awe of her beauty. Her long, tangly hair rested on her shoulders and toppled down her back in tight red curls. Her figure dressed in flattering Slytherin attire while on her feet she wore heeled boots, giving her height as she was never very tall.

He became victim to the movement of her lips forming words as she whispered and the pattern of her moving hands as they fiddled with the jewelry on her neck.

Although Michael was suddenly snapped out of his daze when he caught a glimpse of what looked like a glare of green light.

"Did you see that!?" Michael asked the two sitting beside him in alarm.

"See what?" Fawn puzzled.

"Jordan's necklace!" He brought his voice down to a whisper, "It's glowing."

"You mean the heirloom Draco gave her? Don't be ridiculous, Michael." Fawn asserted.

"I think you just need to clean your glasses." Toby added in a joking matter.

"No really, look! It's glowing an unnatural shade of green; can't you see it?"

Toby's face showed his confusion as he glanced over to the girl, "So? The sun kinda does that to shiny things."

"Toby, we're in the dungeons, there's no sunlight down here." Michael pointed out, "And the torches don't give off enough light to make that effect."

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