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Jordan rips her thoughts away from those icy Slytherin boy's eyes when Dumbledore approaches the podium at the front of the Great Hall. The tables fall silent when the great wizard opened his mouth.

"This castle will not only be your home this year, but also home to some very special guest." His voice boomed throughout the grand space, echoing off the high ceilings. The hall stays quiet, but the excitement is tangible in the air around the students. "Now please welcome, the Beauxbaton School for Witches!"

The students sat watching in awe and adoration as Beauxbatons entered the grand hall. The girls introduced themselves through an intricate and elegant dance with a beautiful girl with golden blonde hair and glowing fair skin leading them. She must have been part Veela, Willow thought to herself. The girl closely resembled Fawn, whose mother was fully Veelan.

"And now," Dumbledore rumbled, "Durmstrang Wizarding School!"

The students all howled and applauded, but Willow's excitement surpassed everyone else's. She only had one thing, one person on her mind: her brother, Oak Brodigan. Boys wearing fur coats barged through the large, dark wooden door, bearing staffs that slammed into the ground rhythmically. Willow saw her brother's curly brown hair, and waved at him. Oak winked back at her before throwing himself into an impressive aerial stunt at which brought Hogwarts and Beauxbatons to chaos.

It was a miracle that the wise headmaster managed to quiet the entire hall. Only when there was absolute silence did Dumbledore speak. "Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event - the Triwizard Tournament."

At his words, all of the students shifted restlessly. Bubbling excitement spilled out of the students in hushed whispers, and Dumbledore called for quiet once more.

"Due to the dangers of this tournament, the Ministry of Magic has decided that all of the champions must be over 17 to compete."

This time and overwhelming roar of disappointment swept the hall, and Jordan could distinctly hear the Weasley twins booing. It tooks several minutes and a sharp command to return order to the students.

"If chosen, there is no turning back." The students sober up, features ranging from worried to determined. Willow sought her brother's face in the crowd, and when she found it she saw the iron resolve in the competition.

"From this moment, the Triwizard Tournament has begun."

Dumbledore's voice rang over the tables, and everyone one sat frozen. Then food appeared on the tables, and like a broken spell students began to chatter as they filled their plates.

Willow felt her excitement for the competition become overshadowed by worry. Her brother could never resist a challenge, or a chance to prove himself. The glory and money were only a bonus in Oak's mind.

Her thoughts however were abruptly interrupted when a large, firm hand patted her on the shoulder making her nearly jump out of her skin. She didn't have to turn to discover who it was as the boy sat between her and Jordan with his arms stretched around them both.

"My dear sister." He said with a charming smile facing over to her.

"Oak!" She greeted in response before embracing him in a tight hug. "I've missed you!" She said to the boy.

Willow and Oak were separated into different schools of wizarding when the acceptance letters came. Their many miles away from each other made for a sad separation, but a happy reunion.

Jordan however, felt differently. She thought it best that the boy was often separated from her as she saw him as a poor influence - and it didn't help that Willow praised him for his wits and confidence despite his destructive arrogance. Jordan watches tentatively from the corner of her eye as Oak turns to his little sister saying, "You've grown to be so beautiful." He unknowingly tucks a lock of her white blonde hair behind her pointed, fairy-like ear.

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