5 / The Ferret And The Snake

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A refreshing, deep breath of the early Autumn's air filled Willow's lungs as she slumped comfortably at a table bench out in the main courtyard. Toby accompanied her, dropping his heavy textbooks to the ground quickly to get a break from the weight. He then waves his hand and arm exaggeratedly in the air when he sees the familiar four eyes of Michael wandering from across the yard.

The tall Ravenclaw boy soon joins them, immediately striking conversation about the new galaxy he had learn about in Astronomy class. "It's an elliptical galaxy called Maffei and it is over 9 million light years away! It's part of the Cassiopeia constellation, and it's believed to have..." Willow stopped listening as her attention was stolen away by a certain redheaded girl who walked in their direction.

Willow's heart skipped a beat as the girl appeared to be choosing her over Draco who was sauntering on the opposite end of the Main Yard. However, when the Slytherin boy approaches Jordan before she reaches the table Willow sat at, the fairy girl feels her blood boil.

Willow doesn't bother to think before she acts as she stands to her feet and marches over to the pair, grabbing a firm hold on Jordan's arm, Willow stares Draco dead in the eye as she says, "She's busy."

Jordan is then pulled to the table accompanied by the two boys Michael and Toby. She feels slightly embarrassed by Willow, but allows herself to let go of the feeling as she is welcomed by the group.

Despite being a yard away from the boy, Jordan could still feel Draco's eyes on her. She glances over to where he stood, surrounded by a few other Slytherin boys. In seeing that he had captured Jordan's attention, he smirks before saying to his friends, "Hey, watch this guys."

Draco jumped up into the tall oak tree behind him and started to climb, all the while keeping his attention in Jordan's direction. He sat pridefully in the tree as if the aged branches were a golden throne. Willow watched the event with a mix of curiosity and distaste.

Willow elbowed Jordan lightly in the ribs, gesturing to where Draco was perched upon the tree, chuckling at how ridiculous he looked. Although Jordan did not join Willow in her tease, but simply repositioned herself to join the rest of the group's conversation. The white haired girl furrowed her pale brows, trying to not let it bug her.

The conversation of the table bounced from Potter's name in the cup, to the new 'Potter stinks' pins, and then to classes. Michael went on and on about Astronomy, despite the fact that the rest of them didn't really care for the topic. Even Jordan didn't have much interest, though she made an effort to listen to Michael intently as she had missed times like these with her friends.

Jordan's attention however, was caught at the sound of Draco's voice calling out, "Why so tense, Potter?" The friend group turned to watch the exchange. When Michael noticed that it was Malfoy he scoffed and turned himself back around, and continued to read the Astronomy book he had checked out of the Library that one evening.

"My father and I have a bet you see." Draco smirked, and jumped down gracefully from the tree in an arrogant manner. "I don't think you'll last ten minutes in the tournament." He looked at Crabbe and Goyal as if saying 'this will be good'. "He disagrees, he thinks you won't last five." The Slytherins surrounding him laughed, and Willow heard Jordan muffle a snicker as well.

Willow furrowed her brows as she watched Harry's face go red with anger.

"I don't give a damn what your father thinks, Malfoy." He said storming closer to him. "He's vile and cruel, and you're a coward." He turns away, steam rising out of his ears.

Willow caught sight of Tessa and Fawn across the way close to where the Potter and Malfoy's exchange had taken place, both their faces pinched in disgust. Tessa hated Draco just as much as Harry, and was fiercely protective of Fawn when the snake dared to sneer at the blonde Veelan. It didn't matter who it was aimed at, anything the Slytherin boy did worsened her resentment even further.

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