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~~ Sally's P.O.V~~

 I was skipping threw the woods while Jeff and Eyeless tried to catch up. We where on the search for Lilac and I was close I could feel it. I saw a glimpse of her and starts to sprint over saying ' play with me. ' I pounced on her and she yelped landing right on her stomach. Jeff ran up and picked her up holding her.

 " Are you ok Li? " He asked. She nodded and stood flinching slightly. We looked down and saw a stick pokeing out of her stomach. Jeff gasped and saw it didn't go that far in so he pulled it out quickly.

 " Th-thanks Jeff."  Li said. We went home and then unpacked. Lilac was given a long talk by Slender, Jeff and Ben inside Ben's room.

 ~~ Ben's P.O.V~~

 " Lilac Florence! You could have lost our baby! " I whisper yelled at her. She sniffled while looking at the ground.

 " I-I know...and I'm sorry.." She said and looked up shaking. Jeff was about to slap her out of rage but hugged her instead. She cried into his shoulder. Slendy did what Jeff thought of and slapped her. She ran to me and held her cheek. I sighed and held her as she calmed down.

 "sshhh Li..." I whispered. She calmed and we decided to drop it. We came out and Sally ran in right as we all spilled out. She attacked Lilac with questions. We all gasped as she asked one question we never say yes to.

 " Will you play with me?" She asked. Li giggled and nodded. Sally led her into the forest and started to play.

 ~ Lilac's P.O.V~

 Sally led me into the middle of the woods and we started to play.

 " 5...4...3...2...1! Ready or not here I come!" I yelled and started to look. I looked up in the trees behind rocks and finally I knew she was behind this tree. It seemed odd wasn't the aura that surrounded the little was powerful and...evil. I run around it.

 " Peek-a-boo!!" I yelled. I then stood frozen and a trance. He kind of looked like Slender...but looked....heh hotter.

 " Well well look what we have here." He said in a sweet voice.

 " LILAC! LOOK AWAY!!" Sally screamed. I looked up slightly and saw Sally struggling inside one of his treadles I gasped.

 " Wh-who are you?!" I asked. I have seen him before..I just dont know where. He smiled and a rose apeared in his mouth. He handed me it and turned me around. I saw a flash of red and then all black.

 ~~ Authors P.O.V~~

 They teleported away with Lilac and Sally fell, hit her head and passed out. Ben, Jeff, Slender, Eyeless, Laughing, and even Calvin came to a stop once they saw Sally passed out. They all rushed at her and Jeff found some thing odd..

 " Ay guys! check this out!" He yelled to get there atention. Slender had Sally in his arms and they all walked over to Jeff. They all gasped. There on the floor was a white rose with crimson blood splatered on it.

 " We have to hurry...Zalgo knows what they will do to her.." Slender said. " You all get a head start...I need to get Sally there. I will send Grinny and Smile both to help." With that Slender was off along with Sally and Calvin. Jeff pulled his knife out, Ben swung his sword ready to slice, Eyeless whipped his scalpel out ready to tear, Laughing took out hand fulls of candy, and they all started to follow the small trail of blood.

 ~~Lilac's P.O.V~~

 I woke in a small dark cell. Where in the hell am I?! I though. I heard a deep chuckle from the other side of the bars. I got up off the rotting bed that creaked. I walked up to the bars and looked closely at who it was. He looked...demonic..

 " Wh-who are you and where am I?!" I asked frightened.

 " Oh...sweetie I am Lord Zalgo. And you are in my layer. " He said with a sick grin on his creepy face. I shivered and looked down seeing I was nude. What the hell?! I tried to cover myself but failed. " there issues I should know about?" I gulped and nodded. " And what is that?"

 " I-I'm pr-pregnant..." I said sheepishly. He growled and straightened himself back up.

 " Well...then that's a problem." He said. " I guess you shall stay and give birth here...that should pay for what you owe." He responded loudly. He spun on his heel and walked away. I slid down the cold wall and onto the floor. I looked around at my cell.

 There was a rusted, old, filthy bed in the corner, A dusty sink with a broken mirror in the other corner, a disgusting toilet to go along with it, a window on the back window facing out into blackness. The walls and blood splattered every wear, the floors looked along the lines of blood baths and rust paint. The bars looked strong but they looked bent and ready to break. But I know if I even try it will just stay put.

 I sighed and started to cry. Here I was in a dirty,filthy,dusty cell, being held by some demon, insane dude. I am nude and also pregnant with my loves child...what else can go wrong?!

 " Oh Lovely Li!! come out come out where every you are my sweet flower." I head him say and he cracked what sounded like a whip on the walls. He unlocked the cell just so he could get in and went to work.

~~ Ello guys! I'm soo sorry I havent updated so much..I'll try like I said but block...anyway. <3 ya!! and might have a pic of the rose on the side...if there is there is if there isnt then to bad :3 Night!!~~

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