The real me

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 We walked and ran for hours and on end. We finally got to a small abandoned house in the woods and decided to stay there for the night. Ben promised to stay with us no matter what. I laid down next to him and as soon as I looked up at him Calvin called my name.

 " Lilac. com here please." I got up and walked out into the kitchen were Calvin sat.

 " What's up?" I asked. He looked at me and gasped again.

 " Go clean up and then talk to me." He said sternly. I obeyed and walked into the room. I grabs a black tank top and grey tights. I rushed into the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

 What stared back at me wasn't me. I saw a broken girl with mud, blood, and glass in her hair. Scares on her face and new cuts and bruises. I saw something I never liked. Something I wished wasn't me. But the truth was, this is me. This was the real me. I striped down to nothing and looked at myself in the full body mirror. The girl whom stared back at me was skinny, deathly skinny. You could see every bone, crease, edge, everything. She had scares and cuts and glass and mud every where. I fell to my knees and cried in my bloody hands. I looked up and asked the mirror.

 " Why must you show such an ugly girl?" I whispered. Ben walked in and found me crying in my hands. I didn't care if he saw me naked, or saw me cry, or even saw me broken and beat. I cared that he was there. He closed the door and walked up to me.

 " Li...come on stand up and let me see what you think is ugly. Because I know you are no were near ugly." He helped me up and I stood with my arms to my side as tears rushed down my cheek letting him see what I was talking about. His jaw dropped once he saw how skinny I was.

 " Ben...why don't you just take them and leave? I don't have a reason to live...infact why don't you just take your sword and kill me now?" I said with a weak voice. He shook his head and hugged me. I flinched away alittle remembering I was naked.

 " I wont leave you Li..and I wont kill you nor will I let you kill yourself." He looked at me and leaned in a little. Me being shorter than him he had to bend down a bit. I leaned up and are lips met. It was like we were meant to be. It was short and fast and ended in a few seconds but it felt like the kiss lasted for years. Calvin knocked on the door and I yelled I was going to take a shower.

 I kicked Ben out and started my shower. It took forever to get every piece of glass out of everywhere. I scrubbed the blood and mud away and it left my head hurting. I stepped out and slipped on my clothes. I brushed my hair out so no knots where left and put it in a thick side-braid and left the room.

 " Finally!" I sat across from Calvin and he grabbed my arm and looked at my still bleeding arm. " Lilac Florence tell me, how long has the abuse been going on." I blinked away the tears.

 " Two years after I moved with you." I weakly confessed. He looked me straight in the eyes in shock.

 " Little sis...Why didn't you stop it? or tell me?"

 " Because they said, ' tell anyone or let anyone know we WILL kill you.' so I never told.." My voice quivered. He stood and walked out. I put my arms on the table and placed my head on them. I cried myself to sleep.

 ~~~~Short chapter. And this story may be updated more than Tricked...But I will still update it. Anyway! <3 ya! Yay for two in one day!!!~~~~

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