Flashback! & The BIG question...

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As we sat on the couch I remembered how he met my real mom and dad...

~Flashback to about the first year or so they met and Authors P.O.V~

 She shook as she stood in front of her blood parents house. Ben squeezed her hand and gave her a small smile. She let out a small sigh and started to go to the door. Her black Lacey dress swayed in the breeze and her hair flowed in small strings over her shoulder. Her father opened the door and he tilted his head.

 " H-hello....are you James Florence?" She asked in a polite manner, trying so hard to contain her excitement.

 " Yes, may I help you....uhh...who are you?" He asked just as polite. She grinned and her voice came out like silk.

 " Lilac. Lilac Florence" She said proudly. His eyes widened and without a second thought he pulled her into a tight hug. She hugged back and saw her mother behind him. She looked very much like her mother, raven black hair, pain, same nose, same eye lashes, same cheek bones. Her father gave her the bright shinning eyes that twinkled in the light and then perfect lips. Her body a mix of the two. Ben stood there alittle awkward as her mother asked who she was.

 " Honey....its our baby girl!" He let Lilac run into her mothers arms as tears filled both of their eyes.

 " L-lilac?" Her mom asked. She just nodded her head and sunk into her, hearing the same heartbeat she did so long ago. They all four went in and Ben sat next to Lilac as they talked.

 " Ohh! Mom, dad...this is Ben.." She showed him off alittle but her mom was not please by what she had told them last. " hes a uh....k-killer.." She stuttered. Her mom gasped and her dad just froze.

"And...your dating him?" Her mom exclaimed.

" Yes.."

"Not anymore!" Her dad interrupted.

 " Please dad! Just...please!" She begged. By this time her mom was crying like crazy at what he could do to her.

 "James...let her speak." She said threw the tears.

 " Fine.." Her husband huffed.

" Thank you. Now, I know you both are worried but, he is the most kindest,sweetest person to me. Yes he kills but he loves me. I love him just as much, hell! Maybe even more and I don't want him being a murderer get in the way. We...we fit like a perfect puzzle. Yes, we have had our fights but we always made up. I plan to marry and have kids with this man. And I will even if I have to become one myself. That is how much he means to me...so mom..dad..please just..please." She begged, fighting back tears.

 " What about you son...tell us about yourself.." Her mother said. Ben stood and started to talk in his normal deep-ish voice while his hair gently rested half way over his eyes.

 " I may look alittle odd....and you may not trust me with her, and I don't blame you. I am Ben, Ben Drowned. The second I met her I do admit to her being my next victim but once I saw her face I felt my stomach turn, the need to kill go away, the need to protect her got stronger. Yes I do kill..yes we do live with others much like me but none of them would dare to hurt her. I would turn on my killer family for Lilac. I don't think I have yet to hurt her in any way possible. And I'd like to keep it that way and it will. I also would love to marry and have children with her. Her beauty, her smarts, her personality, it all drives me crazy. So please...let me stay?" He sat after he finished. Her mom and dad shared glances then nodding. A big grin spread on Lilacs cheeks as she kissed Ben's cheek.

 For hours and hours they just sat and talked until it became night and Ben and her left. When she was about to leave her mom pulled her aside.

 " Honey. I know you love that man but please....watch out." She hugged her and then went back into the house with her husband. The young girl and her killer lover then walked back home.

~End of flash back and Ben's P.O.V~

 I watched her as she spaced out, her light skin glistening in the small stream of sunlight that sneaked in through the blinds. She smiled alittle and soon snapped out of it. She blushed as she caught me starring. She stood and stretched and I,once again, took the chance to look her over. Her skin still glistens, her ravened black hair sways slightly down her back like a small river, her bloated stomach sticking out just enough showing she was nearing her due date. She looked back some light hitting her eyes and they glowed a bright blue. I smile and hug her.

 " You look amazing pregnant" I mumbled into her hair. She shrugged and sat back down, complaining her back hurt. I gave her money to go to the spa and she went right away. I fell onto the couch and sighed. I took a small box out of my hat and thought. When she came back I was still in thought but snapped out in just enough time to put it back. She came back with a...odd boy. I know I'm pretty odd...but this boy had black hair and eyes...and he wore this outfit close to Jeff's..but it wasn't what I was looking at. The boy was trying to hit on MY girl! on MY Lilac!

" Uhh..L-li..who's this?" I asked as they sat down.

 " Oh! This? This is Logan...I met him in town and..he says he knows Calvin." She said in a 'duh' voice as if it was obvious. Calvin came in and smiled then Logan and him both went upstairs.

 " Li...I have a bad feeling about him...I-I don't want you hanging out with him ok?" I said in a shaky tone, afraid she was going to get mad...and she did.

 " WHAT?!" She snapped. I flinched as her voice went demonic and her eyes turned a deep blue.

 "I-I just don't w-want you hanging o-out with him?" I said more like a question than a demand. She growled and her pointy dog ears stood up.

 "I hang out with who ever I want! Understand!?" She growled.

 " But I--"

"No buts! You don't own me! I can do what ever! In fact I can leave right now an--" I cut her off by getting down on one knee. " What a-are you doing?" She asked harshly. She made me flinch and I brought out a small black box.

 "Lilac Florence...will you marry me?" I asked. Her hole appearance went soft and back to normal. Her eyes started to tear up and she covered her mouth with her hands.

 " Y-yes!...Yes Ben Drowned! Yes!" she replied with a shaky voice and nodded. Her saying my full name made me shiver. I stood and put the ring on her finger and she hugged me as best as she could with her belly being all bloated. I turned and everyone clapped.

~ Ello guys! So..sorry for the wait but ay..was it worth it? I hope. I don't own the song or video I swear!! Thank you to all of the people whom have and hopefully will read this and <3 ya!~

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